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發表於 2019-5-4 19:25:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The Preliminary Inquiry into the Oliver Hinckson case has once again been delayed,Buffalo Bills Jersey Clearance, this time because of the defence. When the matter was called yesterday before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson, the defence was not prepared to go ahead with the case because its lead attorney Nigel Hughes was not present.Yesterday,Rams Throwback Jersey 2019, Hinckson’s lawyers were expected to once again object to a written submission which was made by Special Prosecutor Sanjeev Datadin. On the last court hearing, Datadin had made a written submission to the court seeking to have extracts from a diary admitted into evidence. However,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, that was objected to and the Magistrate deemed that bit of evidence inadmissible.Despite this, Datadin had asked the court’s permission for a written submission to be accepted. Last Thursday the submission was made.Yesterday,Adidas Scarpe Nuove, when the case was called, Attorney-at-law Mark Waldron asked the court to have the matter stand down for a few minutes in anticipation that Hughes would arrived. However,Air Max 720 Womens UK, moments later Waldron apologised to the court,Disocunt Football Jerseys, noting that he was informed that Mr. Hughes had only returned to the jurisdiction on Monday and he was expected to be present in court yesterday.According to Waldron,Cheap Hockey Jerseys Official, since Hughes is the lead attorney and it was he who had objected to the extract being admitted into evidence, it would only be fair for him to be present to further state his objections to the written submissions.As such Waldron asked that the matter be adjourned until a later date. There was no objection from the prosecution and the matter has been adjourned to tomorrow.

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