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發表於 2019-5-4 19:27:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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As the preliminary inquiry into the Kaieteur News killings nears completion,Cheap Shoes Canada Online, the matter was further delayed when Police Prosecutor Robert Tyndall and a Police Corporal who were scheduled to give evidence in the matter, were absent.The matter is being heard before Magistrate Nigel Hawke at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.The matter had been put down for the afternoon session because the post mortem report which was supposed to be tendered into evidence was not available in the morning.The prosecution and defence had come to a compromise and adjourned the matter for 13:30 hrs.However Police Prosecutor Robert Tyndall never showed up and the matter had to be put down until Friday.Other police officers who were present tried numerous times on their mobile phones to contact Tyndall, but the calls were all forwarded to voice mail.The decision was then made to have the matter prosecuted by junior Police Prosecutor Munilall Seetaram.As prosecutor Seetaram ordered the court orderly to call the police corporal, the latter was missing in action.This obviously made the prosecutor angry and he immediately ordered an arrest warrant be issued for the policeman.According to the prosecutor,Nike Just Do It Scarpe, the policeman had prior knowledge that the matter had been adjourned for the afternoon but refused to be present for the afternoon session.The matter was adjourned and the preliminary inquiry is expected to recommence tomorrow.At the last session both the lawyer and magistrate had complained about the prosecution’s attitude towards the case. The magistrate had questioned the prosecutor whether he knew that he was leaving the jurisdiction at the end of the month.Attorney at law Compton Richardson had questioned whether the witnesses were summoned because he was of the opinion that he being a “fool”.On trial for the murders are Dwight Da Silva, Quincy Evans and “Nasty-man” a juvenile.   Jermaine “Skinny” Charles,Bill Lee Jersey, now deceased, had also been charged for the murders. He was killed in a confrontation with the police at Kuru Kururu last August.After a number of adjournments over the past year,Wholesale Jerseys, the PI recommenced earlier this month.Edgar Stewart,Best Cheap Shoes Website, Cobeer Persaud, Nadine Wegman, Rasheed Mohamed,Dennis Smith Jr. Jersey, and Ganesh Persaud have all taken the witness box.A male Lance Corporal of Police also gave evidence into the matter. The policeman gave evidence in chief about a caution statement which he reportedly took from Dwight Da Silva. He was cross examined by Attorney at law Compton Richardson.The Lance Corporal also told the court about his role in the investigation into the August 8,Axel Andersson Jersey, 2006, slaying of the pressmen at Eccles, East Bank Demerara.The preliminary inquiry had been placed on hold after Magistrate Gordon Gilhuys was involved in a shooting incident.A Police Inspector and a Corporal have all testified in the matter.

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