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發表於 2019-5-5 13:48:41 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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By Michael JordanDetectives have detained the reputed wife of murdered businessman Ganga Persaud following the discovery of his body in the trunk of his car on Saturday.Two of the woman’s male relatives are also being questioned.Investigators appear to be working on the theory that Persaud was slain not far from his home, stuffed into his car trunk,Cheap Shoes Australia Free Shipping, and then taken to Eighth Street, Diamond Housing Scheme.They also suspect that a woman was involved in the crime.There are indications that greed may have been the primary motive.This newspaper understands that detectives have searched the slain man’s Lot 1624 Diamond Housing Scheme premises for possible clues about his demise.Persaud’s reputed wife has alleged that he left home at around 17:00 hrs on Friday night,Billy Hamilton Jersey, after informing her that he was going to a popular liquor restaurant in Kitty.He allegedly called her at around 22:00 hrs that same night to say that he was in the vicinity of the Agricola Public Road and was on his way home.That was the last contact she allegedly had with him.Kaieteur News had interviewed Ganga Persaud, in October 2004, in connection with the theft of a quantity of jewellery,Football Jerseys For Sale, and US and local currency from his home.Persaud, a 52-year-old remigrant, was found dead in the trunk of his car, at around 06:30 hrs on Saturday, in Eighth Street, Diamond Housing Scheme.Lengths of bicycle tubing and duct tape were wrapped around his nostrils and mouth.There were minor bruises on his throat, but investigators believe that he suffocated. His shoes were missing.A resident of Eighth Street, Diamond Housing Scheme, said that he observed Persaud’s blue car, PEE 587, parked near his home at around 01:00 hr on Saturday.Some residents recalled hearing dogs barking at around that time, but none of them saw anyone exiting the vehicle.At daybreak, other residents decided to contact ranks from the Golden Grove Police Station after noticing that the strange car was still there.Police ranks used a substitute key to open the car trunk and were greeted by the sight of Persaud’s trussed-up remains.Detectives recovered $40 from the victim, along with his wrist watch, a camera, National Identification Card,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, and other documents.Ganesh Persaud, the victim’s younger brother, said he last saw his sibling alive at around 14:00 hrs on Friday at an Eccles, East Bank Demerara fishing complex.Kaieteur News was told that Persaud went home, but then went out again on Friday night.At around 05:00 hrs,Cheap Shoes China, the businessman’s reputed wife contacted her brother-in-law and his wife by telephone and informed them that Persaud had not returned home.One of the relatives said that, shortly after,Air Max 720 Sortie, Persaud’s spouse called again and informed them that the Police had located Persaud’s car but had not found him.They were eventually informed that his body had been found.Persaud’s son,Miami Dolphins Jersey Clearance, sisters and other relatives from overseas have arrived in Guyana for his funeral.

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