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發表於 2019-5-18 10:47:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I'm disappointed in that and so is he," Carroll said of Irvin. "We're frustrated by that because these games are important to him. ... We did everything that we could to try and get him back. He's really close, but it's not the right thing to do right now so we're going to hold him back."
The Seahawks have been excited throughout training camp at the promise shown by both of their former first-round selections but are eager to see it translate to game action,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping.

RENTON, Wash. (AP) — A pair of minor injuries will keep James Carpenter and Bruce Irvin from suiting up in the Seattle Seahawks' preseason opener against the San Diego Chargers on Thursday night.
Center Max Unger will be a game-time decision with a groin strain. Reserve tackle Michael Person will not play after suffering a calf strain in practice on Monday,NMD Cheap Real. Wide receiver Sidney Rice and linebacker Bobby Wagner are among others who may have to wait to make their preseason debuts as well.
The Seahawks will be without Irvin for the first four games of the regular season because of a suspension for a violation of the league's performance-enhancing drugs policy,Cheap Oakland Raiders Jerseys. The team has put a premium on the preseason to understand how Irvin is acclimating to his new position and whether the Seahawks will be able to rely on him when he returns to the team.
Carpenter is working to get back into football shape after having played only sparingly after first injuring his knee in November 2011. He's trying to unseat incumbent Paul McQuistan for the starting job at left tackle but hasn't been able to practice since early this week,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys.
Even though it's just the preseason, Carroll didn't want to give too much information about who will be able to play and who won't against the Chargers.
"At this time we really will take the stance on guys that if we think they need rest we're resting them,Babe Ruth Jersey," Carroll said. "If we think they need a break, we're going to break them. It's just so early that we can do that."
Carpenter appears to have put the knee injuries that plagued his first two NFL seasons in the rearview mirror and is competing to start at left guard in training camp,Ultra Boost Wholesale. Irvin has been moved from defensive end to outside linebacker and is displaying the athleticism that convinced Seattle to select him a season ago.
Carpenter hasn't been able to practice the last few days after suffering a foot sprain and Irvin has also missed practices this week because of a groin issue. Head coach Pete Carroll didn't provide many details as to which players will play against the Chargers, but he did say neither Carpenter nor Irvin will be able to play.

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