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Wholesale Vans Shoes For Sale Carolina









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發表於 2019-5-18 18:05:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Carolina's defense, which has allowed the second-fewest points and second-fewest yards in the league, has played a big role in the team holding nearly a nine-minute advantage per game in time of possession.
"It's every offense's goal to be explosive and to have huge plays each and every week," Shula said. "We're close on some. They don't always show up. We're an offense, so it everyone has to be clicking.
Those days are gone.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — The Carolina Panthers prided themselves the last two seasons on being a "big chunk offense," able to gobble up big yards on downfield passes.
And Newton has warmed to the idea that being patient and taking what the defense is giving him can be pretty effective,Cheap Air Max 720 China.
"I have no preference," Newton said with a smile. "As long we are going forward and not backward. That has been the key to our success."
"We know we're not going to be able to score 10 points a game and win, I don't care what defense you have out there," Newton said.
Shula wouldn't say Newton is a better game manager — he dislikes that term — but said he's done a better job going through his progressions and checking down when nothing is available downfield.
Newton doesn't care if it's a quick strike or a long drive. The 2011 AP Offensive Rookie of the Year said he'll trade big stats for big wins any day of the week.
Part of the issue is teams have taken away the deep routes, forcing Cam Newton to think more and go to his second and third reads. That's an area where Shula said Newton has made major strides this season.
The Panthers have been so good — and so reliable — that they haven't put Newton in position very often where he's forced to throw.
Newton said he still feels like Carolina's 20th-ranked offense has plenty of room to improve to get on par with the defense,Cheap Football Gear.

The Panthers have only trailed once at halftime this season, so they've never been out of a game.
Offensive coordinator Mike Shula said he didn't necessarily plan it that way.
The Panthers haven't put up numbers quite on par with the '85 Bears, but they've shown they're pretty solid.
A year ago, the Panthers had 75 plays of 20 yards or more, second most in the NFL. Halfway through this season they have just 25, tied for last in the league with Arizona.
That blueprint isn't a huge surprise considering their head coach.
He wasn't exactly thrilled with the unit's performance after a 10-9 win Sunday over the San Francisco 49ers, and said the Panthers need put up more points this Monday night against Tom Brady and New England.
Carolina (6-3) has won five straight games behind an entirely different method: controlling the ball and relying on a dominant defense.
Shula and the Panthers have done a better job using their talented trio of running backs: DeAngelo Williams, Jonathan Stewart and Mike Tolbert.
"We just have to keep getting first downs and have that first-down mentality,Air Max 720 Womens UK," Newton said. "You get enough first downs sooner or later you are going to get into the colorful rectangular at end of the field."
"But guys have been resilient. If it's not there, it's guys saying, 'Hey, we're going to find a way.' We haven't had a lot of explosive runs, but we've had efficient runs."
"To win in this league consistently you have to have the big play threat, which we do have,Discount Nike Sb Shoes, but for longevity you have to have methodical drives," said Newton,Fjallraven Kanken Saldi, now in his third seasons. "That is what we have more times than not. ... If we have that mentality, especially with our defense playing lights out, we can be scary at times."
Ron Rivera played linebacker for the 1985 Super Bowl champion Chicago Bears, a team that won the Super Bowl and finished first in the NFL in rushing offense, tops in the league on defense in points allowed, yards allowed and turnovers,Bill Lee Jersey, according to STATS.

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