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Stitched Jerseys Yount replaced Ryan Pontbriand as the Browns' long snapper.









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發表於 2019-5-21 21:51:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yount went undrafted in 2011 after a four-year career at UCLA,Arthur Moats Jersey, where he served as the long snapper in 51 games. He signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and played in seven contests before being released when Andrew Economos was activated.
"At that position,Allen Robinson Jersey, you have to be perfect, and Christian is very good at what he does," coach Rob Chudzinski said. "I'm happy we're going to have him as a part of our organization for a long time."
The 6-foot-1,Adidas NMD China Wholesale, 256-pounder is the lone holdover among Cleveland's specialists as it did not re-sign Pro Bowl kicker Phil Dawson, punter Reggie Hodges,Wholesale China Football Jerseys, kick returner Joshua Cribbs or coverage ace Ray Ventrone.
Former Pro Bowl center Alex Mack and starting strong safety T.J. Ward are also in the final year of their contracts with the Browns.
BEREA, Ohio (AP) — Browns long snapper Christian Yount agreed to a five-year contract Tuesday that will keep him in Cleveland through 2017.
Exactly five weeks later, Yount replaced Ryan Pontbriand as the Browns' long snapper.
"I understand this is a business, so you can't take anything personal when a team decides to go in another direction," he said. "But I'm not going to lie,Nike Schuhe G��nstig Kaufen Schweiz, this is something I really wanted to happen. I'm grateful that it did."
Yount, 25, is in his third year with the Browns and has played in all 21 games since being signed Nov. 29, 2011.
"I'm blessed to be here, and I'm excited to be a Brown for as long as they'll have me,Kanken Big Backpack Uk," Yount said following practice. "My agent told me the team wanted to work something out a little bit ago, and I'm really happy we got it done."
Yount joins starting left guard John Greco in agreeing to five-year contracts with Cleveland this summer, preventing them from becoming free agents at the end of the season.

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