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[Xbox 360] Cheap China Jerseys AP









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發表於 2019-5-22 18:48:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Coming so close persuaded Gonzalez to postpone his retirement plans. The team showed its commitment by signing quarterback Matt Ryan to a nearly $104 million contract extension and landing free-agent running back Steven Jackson to complement one of the NFL's most dynamic passing games,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, with Matty Ice throwing to Gonzalez, Julio Jones and Roddy White.
"It's incredible," Gonzalez said. "The sky's the limit to what we can do."
If the offensive line holds up and the defense makes a stop every now and then, there's no reason the Falcons can't go even farther than they did last season.
Gonzalez's tunnel vision is pretty much indicative of everyone's mindset in Atlanta, where the Falcons have become one of the league's most successful franchises but still need a title to reach truly elite status.
Since Thomas Dimitroff took over as general manager and Mike Smith was hired as coach in 2008,Cheap Jerseys From China, the Falcons have gone 56-24 during the regular season, put together five straight winning seasons, made the playoffs four times,Blake Swihart Jersey, won a pair of NFC South titles, and twice earned home-field advantage.

The postseason has been a different story, though Atlanta — and Gonzalez — cleared a huge hurdle last season. For the first time in the Dimitroff-Smith era, the Falcons won a playoff game. For Gonzalez, it was the first playoff win of his career.
ATLANTA (AP) — When Tony Gonzalez decided to return for one more season,World Baseball Classic Jerseys Outlet, he knew there was only one outcome that would make it a success.
Alas, the Falcons came up 10 yards shy of the Super Bowl, losing to San Francisco in a thrilling NFC championship game.
"I came back to win a championship," said Gonzalez,Wholesale Shoes Canada, looking ahead to his 17th — and,Adidas Stan Smith Wholesale, he insists this time — final season. "That's the kind of team I think we have. We want to pick up where we left off last year."
A Super Bowl ring.

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