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發表於 2017-2-19 00:19:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The newly built $10.3M North Ruimveldt Police Outpost was officiallyFrom right Commander ‘A’ Division George Vyphius,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, while little Janae Willabus cuts the symbolic ribbon with Corporal Webster as Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee looks on.commissioned yesterday by Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee and Acting Commissioner of Police Leroy Brummell.Despite being opened since February 17,CHeap Jerseys USA, the Station was officially handed over to Commissioner Brummell and Commander of ‘A’ Division George Vyphius during a simple ceremony.Commissioner Brummell in his remarks to the gathering said the project was not only welcomed by the Police Force but also by the residents.Brummell said when he was Commander of ‘A’ Division he was receiving numerous calls from residents about the need for an outpost in the area.“As Commander I used to get several calls from this area about the need for an outpost in the area…there were times I would send patrols to the area but I was often told that by the time the patrol reach, the men had left.” He added that he knew how frustrating it was for residents to go all the way to the East La Penitence Police Station to make a report. Further,Cheap NFL Jerseys Chinese, the Commissioner urged his ranks that will be stationed at the Outpost to maintain the professionalism of the force. “I also want the ranks to be more security conscious as the area which the outpost will serve is rapidly becoming a business area.”Commissioner Brummell also called on the ranks to engage members of the public as they will be looking at the possibility of setting up a Community Policing Group.The Acting Commissioner thanked Minister Rohee and the Government for their continuous support in modernising the force.“Minister, during your tenure we have been getting continuous assistance in making our ranks comfortable as they carry out their duties with more diligence.”Commissioner Brummell pointed out that 18 stations have been upgraded,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, while stating that the outpost will help to ease the concerns of the residents.The call for ranks to maintain their professionalism was reiterated by Minister Rohee. He said stories have been surfacing in the media about the police ranks responding to crime reports by saying they do not have transportation. The Minister called on the ranks to carry out their duties diligently and to serve the public,Wholesale Jerseys Chinese, since they had taken an oath to do so.The outpost which was built at a cost of $10,Cheap Jerseys From China,331,240 will be run by seven ranks. It comprises a lock-up,NFL Jerseys Chinese, barrack room, CID room and Enquiries section. The contract for construction was signed by contractor Faizal Khan on June 15, 2011.

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