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發表於 2017-3-11 06:50:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…says charged victim may face unfair trial Amnesty International,Earl Campbell Texas Jersey, a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognised human rights for all, is currently seeking global support for the 14-year-old that was tortured while in police custody as well as Deonarine Raffi who has been charged with the murder of Ramenauth Bisram.The international human rights body,Von Miller Texas A&M Jersey, in its plea, stated that Raffi may face an unfair trial after being tortured in order to force him to sign a confession.The group is calling on persons worldwide to call for assurances that the evidence used to charge Deonarine Raffi with murder was not solely based on a confession obtained by torture; and that any legal proceedings he faces meet international fair trial standards; urge the authorities to ensure that Raffi receives immediate and regular access to all the medical treatment he needs.The group is also seeking international support in calling for a full, prompt and impartial investigation into the allegations of torture and the circumstances surrounding the detention of Raffi,Arian Foster Tennessee Jersey, Nouravie Wilfred and the 14 year-old boy.Amnesty International is also questioning the failure of the police to bring them before a court after 72 hours in custody and refusing access to family, lawyers and medical treatment for several days.The international body also made mention of the 20-year-old man held incommunicado at a police station in Guyana but was released without charge.Amnesty International illustrates that a 14-year-old boy arrested in connection with the same murder, is still receiving hospital treatment,Kevin Durant Texas Jersey, though his condition is improving.“His lawyer (Khemraj Ramjattan) has been told that he is no longer a suspect in the case. Guyana’s Commissioner of Police (Henry Green) has publicly stated that formal charges are yet to be made against two police officers in relation to the torture against the boy as the police want to wait until the boy is well enough to observe an identity parade.”However,Cheap Oregon Ducks Jerseys, the Police Commissioner publicly stated that the teen had confessed to murder. Raffi remains in prison,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, according to Amnesty International after he was forced to confess to the murder of Bisram while being tortured in police custody.The group is urging persons worldwide to make their plea to the Minister of Home Affairs,Jadeveon Clowney South Carolina Jersey, Clement Rohee,Carmelo Anthony Syracuse Jersey, Director of Public Prosecutions, Shalimar Ali-Hack,J.J. Watt Wisconsin Jersey, as well as the Kaieteur news and Stabroek News.The group is also urging persons worldwide to send copies of their plea to diplomatic representatives accredited to their country.The pleas are being sent by November 18.When Raffi made his first court appearance his lawyer told the court that Assistant Superintendent Wright who headed the investigation along with Sergeant Lall and Police Constables Foo and Dholai had all beaten her client severely. At this point the lawyer requested that her client’s injuries be shown to the magistrate.Raffi unbuttoned his shirt and there were visible marks on his back to substantiate what he was claiming.The defendant opened his mouth to show were he alleges the police officers burnt him with a cigarette.He also took off a bandage he wore to the head which showed a wound that had some 16 stitches.

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