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發表於 2017-3-14 06:43:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A senior employee of Jumbo Jet Auto Sales in West Coast Berbice and two other individuals appeared before Magistrate Roby Benn on Wednesday at the Fort Wellington Magistrate’s Court on two separate charges.Former employee,Tyler Ennis Syracuse Jersey, Rajesh Kumar Persaud, called ‘White Eye’,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and Bishraj ‘Beesho’ Sukha,Tennessee Vols Jerseys, were jointly charged with larceny, while Hardat Singh was charged with receiving stolen articles. Persaud and Sukha were placed on $150,000 bail while Singh was placed on $80,000 bail. The trio is due back in court on July 18,LaMarcus Aldridge Texas Jersey, next.Truck tires at the Jumbo Jet workshop like these were stolen and sold by the employeeSeveral employees, in May, were taken into custody following the disappearance of over $10M in spare parts, tires and other items several weeks ago,Cheap Jerseys From China, and a massive scam unravelled.Nasrudeen Mohamed,Cheap West Virginia Mountaineers Jerseys, founder and CEO of Jumbo Jet Auto Sales, is a prominent businessman and supplier of truck and agricultural machinery. As part of his operation, he has workshops to repair and rebuild trucks and machinery in West Coast Berbice.According to management, the items were stolen sometime in April at the Armadale location and it was only several weeks later that details of the theft came to light. The items were discovered missing in late May by the General Manager of the Berbice location, Chandradat Ramkissoon.It is alleged that Persaud sold 25 TM truck tires valued at $200,000 each to Singh sometime in April, 2012. Previously, several other tires, and truck parts were lost which were not recovered, including truck batteries, starters, alternators,Cheap Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles Jerseys, and truck shacks, etc. They have a combined value of some $10M.Four complete tires with rims and wheels, valued at $200,000 were recovered from Singh.According to Mr Mohamed, several other employees are currently under investigation. General Manager of Jumbo Jet Auto, Chandradatt Ramkissoon,Andrew Luck Stanford Jersey, told Kaieteur News that in wake of the theft, additional security has been put in place.The Armadale location,Earl Campbell Texas Jersey, the site of the theft, was reopened last Thursday after being closed for weeks. This newspaper was informed that the theft was going on for quite some time until Mr Mohamed and his other senior staff members checked the inventories and discovered several items were missing. They received a tip from a West Berbice businessman, who informed them that their truck parts and items were being sold in the area, prompting them to launch a full- fledged investigation.

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