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發表於 2017-3-15 21:08:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Thousands on Thursday evening converged at the Wismar Market square for the grand finale rally of the APNU/AFC coalition in Linden, in the lead-up to polling day on Monday May 11th.Dr Richard Van West Charles addressing the rally.It was the final in a series of meetings held in the mining town, and like the first grand rally at the Linden/Georgetown bus park, attracted one of the most massive crowds since the campaign began in region 10.Supporters from both arms of the coalition flaunted their green and yellow colors proudly while the popular chant “It is time” reverberated repeatedly throughout the evening’s proceedings.Confident of the coalition’s victory, speaker after speaker exhorted supporters to vote wisely- to vote APNU/AFC come elections day.Among those in attendance were Presidential candidate David Granger and his wife,Andrei Markov Canadiens Jersey, the newly married Chairman of region Ten Sharma Solomon and his wife, along with Dr Richard Van West Charles, and other key executives of the coalition.Notably absent was Prime Ministerial candidate Moses Nagamootoo.Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC coalition,Derick Brassard Rangers Jersey, David Granger, in a very enthusiastic mood told Lindeners that the coalition is confident of victory at the upcoming polls. He however cautioned supporters to be vigilant while stressing the need for “National Unity’ that the party stands for.“It is disunity that is keeping you back,Serge Savard Canadiens Jersey, not your resources…It’s the disunity which the PPP fostered…the most important thing of APNU is the NU which stands for National Unity…that is why we came together, because we believe that no one Party has all the answers as it relates to running this country…We’ve come together because both APNU and theAFC believe that we’re stronger together,Jonas Gustavsson Red Wings Jersey, we are better together,Dennis Maruk Capitals Jersey, and we will change your lives here in this Region”, Granger said.Though confident of a resounding victory by the coalition, he nonetheless exhorted all to go out and vote early on elections day.The former brigadier of the Guyana Defence Force, in highlighting the issue of security,Conor Sheary Penguins Jersey, assured that he has what it takes to make Guyana safe. Granger also touched on other issues including the raping of Guyana’s resources by foreign investors and poverty. He was introduced by his wife Sandra Granger.Other speakers included Sharma Solomon and Richard Van West Charles,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, both of whom exhorted the crowd of hyped supporters to vote APNU/AFC come Monday.Guyanese songbird Lisa Punch, who was also in attendance,Darren Helm Red Wings Jersey, punctuated the evening’s proceedings with some live performances, adding just a little more “punch,Dale Weise Canadiens Jersey,” to the delight of the audience.

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