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發表於 2016-10-12 02:46:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Calvin Johnson's NFL future remains up in the air.     2016 NFL DRAFTTracker: Players | Rounds | TeamsDraft coverageivision-by-division: Grades | BargainsRanking every team's draft haulInstant-impact rookies from 2016 draftBest undrafted free-agent classesDraft trade tracker: Details of every moveCFB 24/7: Full 'Path to Draft' coverage    NFL Media's Nate Burleson, a former teammate of Johnson's with the Lions, said Monday he reached out to Megatron after an ESPN report surfaced pronouncing his retirement. Burleson said Calvin brushed aside the question for now.      Nothing's official,Adidas Originals Uk Shop, Burleson told the Detroit News of the retirement talk. I'm waiting,Nike Roshe Run Scontate, and maybe that's the fan in me. Maybe it's like being a fan of Tupac. I don't think he's dead yet. Until you prove that to me,Nike Air Max Noir Pas Cher, I still think he's living in Cuba.     Nasty Nate outing himself as a Tupac Truther is one angle to this story I did not see coming.     NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport reported Monday the Lions' coaches and staff are looking for a way to bring the Pro Bowl receiver back into the fold.     Burleson,Canada Goose Solde France, however,Nike Air Huarache NZ, blasted Detroit's new general manager Bob Quinn for not reaching out to Megatron and pitching hard for the face of the franchise to return for another season.      That's ridiculous,Nike Air Huarache Triple Black Nederland, Burleson said. You're casually going about enticing one of the best receivers in my era to come back,Nike Free Flyknit+ Femme, and then you're casual about showing your appreciation for a guy who has ... put the organization on his back without complaint.     The Lions haven't pitched much in the media beyond their initial statement that they respect Johnson need for time to make a decision.     At this point all the signs are pointing towards Johnson walking away from the NFL after nine seasons.     Then again,Nike Air Max 2016, Tupac could still be alive,Zapatillas New Balance 574 Baratas, right?

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