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發表於 2017-4-11 23:38:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Gilbert Bailey had grown accustomed to transporting large sums of money for his boss, a Regent Street businessman, until a bright idea crossed his mind.What if I took all this cash and claimed that I was robbed, was a thought that probably took hold in his head; for that is exactly what he did on Monday last.But his carefully thought out plan unraveled when he made the mistake of reporting the matter to the wrong police unit; the much vaunted major crimes unit of the police Criminal Investigations Department.The investigators were able to put together bits and pieces of information along with a lucky break which resulted in them cracking a case that otherwise might have gone unsolved.On Monday,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey, as is the custom, Bailey was entrusted with a large sum of money by his employer to take to another location and he seized the opportunity to put his plan into operation.He organized with another man, who police say is a known character, to stage a hijacking.Bailey picked up the man near the Woodlands Hospital and together they drove off to Parade Street near another hospital,Brooks Robinson Orioles Jersey, the St Joseph Mercy Hospital.When the car stopped,Courtney Upshaw Alabama Jersey, another man, who was also a part of the plan,Joey Rickard Orioles Jersey, rode up and collected the box of cash and rode off with the other accomplice.All went well and Bailey decided that now was the time for him to put the other part of the plan to the test.He went to the nearby Criminal Investigations Department and reported that he was hijacked. His story did not convince detectives from the major crime unit. According to reports,Frank Robinson Orioles Jersey, they were suspicious from the start. Bailey had not covered his tracks cleanly.The detectives’ hunch proved to be correct,Gregor Blanco Jersey, when a man came in and told them that he had seen Bailey “hailing up” one of the accomplices, who is known in criminal circles, on Parade Street.Armed with this information, the police kept Bailey in custody and made the trip to the known accomplice’s home on East Bank Demerara.A search was carried out and the police recovered a stash of cash in excess of $3M in a black bag in a bedroom.The suspect was arrested and it was he who spilled his guts and told police about the entire plot.Acting on further information he provided,Phil Kessel Penguins Jersey, the detectives went to the home of the other accomplice,Patrick Corbin Diamondbacks Jersey, where they met his wife.The woman, sensing trouble,Atlanta Braves Jerseys, handed over another $1.5M in cash, all in $5000 bills.“She had strictly $5000 bills. Like he took all the $5000 left them with all the $1000 and $500 bills,” a source close to the investigations told this newspaper.The police are still to arrest the other suspect.When contacted last evening, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed the story and praised his ranks for their professionalism.“They are seasoned detectives and they were able to crack the case and recover all the money,” Blanhum told Kaieteur News.

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