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The Ministry of Public Infrastructure is currently seeking proposals from appropriate firms to rehabilitate and operate the Moco Moco Hydropower plant in Region Nine.Govt. wants the Moco-Moco Falls in Region Nine to be developed for hydro power that will help Lethem, Region Nine.This is being done in line with the government’s plan to develop a ‘Green Economy’.The Moco Moco hydropower plant will be operated under the Build,Nicolas Batum Hornets Swingman Jersey, Own, Operate, Transfer (BOOT) arrangement. This aims to supply power to Lethem Power Plant under a negotiated and agreed Power Purchase Agreement,Brook Lopez Nets Jersey, Government said yesterday.Lethem is popular border area that has a bridge linkage across the Takutu River to Brazil.This move forms part of the administration’s overall effort to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for energy. In so doing, the country can save significant sums being expended on the purchase and importation of such fuels.In 1995,Kobe Bryant USA Jersey, the previous administration,Andre Drummond Pistons Swingman Jersey, with assistance from the Government of China,Deron Williams USA Jersey, sought to develop the hydropower project.However, in 2003,Authentic Dwight Howard Hawks Jersey, the plant was significantly affected by a landslide. Since then the project has remained at a standstill.“The coaliti`on government intends to have hydropower generation facilities located all around Guyana. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is currently in the process of assessing five of 69 possible sites, which are proposed to house these hydropower amenities.The five sites under scrutiny are Tiger Hill, Kamira,Enes Kanter Thunder Jersey, Tumatumari, Amaila and Kumu. It is expected that their assessment will be completed in May of this year.”To promote additional financial aid for the hydro power and renewable plan,LeBron James Cavaliers Swingman Jersey, Government said that it is partnering with the Brazilian government.Also, to carry through with this plan of a Green Economy, the government will be using US$80M from the Norway fund. This money was allocated to renewable energy development.“…We will look to use the $80M in the most acceptable means of renewable energy… but it could be any form of the large scale renewable energy- which is the understanding that we have,Kevin Love Cavaliers Swingman Jersey,” Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson recently said.Guyana is heavily dependent on imported fuel to meet its energy and transportation needs.

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