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發表於 2017-5-12 14:20:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With the spate of robberies plaguing the business community for the past week, an auto parts store was yesterday robbed by two gunmen who pretended to be potential customers.The Fullworks Auto Parts store.According to the proprietor Mohammed Ali, of the Fullworks Auto Parts located at lot 58 Public Road,China Jerseys Wholesale, Good Hope, around 14:20 hours, yesterday, two men came into the shop and inquired about a few car parts.“Two man come in the shop and asked about a car front so when me explain to them the cost and was going to show them what me have, one a dem pull out a gun and said give we de money,Cheap Jerseys NFL,” Ali said.The still visibly shaken man added that at the time of the robbery there were three customers at the counter who were also robbed of their valuables such as gold chains,Wholesale China Jerseys, cash and mobile phones before they placed a gun on the cashier and demanded her to take them to the cash register.According to the man,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the men ordered the customers and staff to lie face down on the ground. The men then gun butted one of the customers to the nose before escaping in an unidentified motor car which was parked a few meters away from the premises.A differently able staff was also gun butted to the back of his head while on the ground. Both injured men were taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital for medical treatment.The shaken cashier,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who declined to be identified, said that while in the small booth, the gunman began to shout at her to open the register. She added that when the money was placed in a bag she was then dragged out and placed on the ground to lie with the others.Ali said that the money stolen was the income made for the day.  Ali told the media that this was not the first time that his business has been robbed. He added that earlier this year bandits broke and entered his Georgetown branch and stole a substantial amount of money.“You see if we had a gun in here we could have dropped them man in here but we couldn’t do nothing but give them the money”, Ali said.Ali estimated his loss to be close to $900,000.The counter and the entrance where the gun men gained entry.According to a source the entire robbery was caught on a surveillance camera.Up to press time no arrest had been made.A recently opened dental clinic in Laluni Street,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, Queenstown was on Tuesday robbed after two gun men entered the premises and escaped with a substantial amount of cash.The clinic which is owned and operated by Indian national, Dr. Sen Gupta,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, is located at 122 Laluni Street, Queenstown.

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