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solar lantern









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發表於 2017-5-13 05:34:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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An eco-friendly scientific company is looking to establish a local command centre here. The company, Solaris Energy, plans to offer Guyanese, safe and affordable energy solutions through a wide range of innovative products.Solaris Energy is a global network that specializes in affordable, quality solar installations for residential and commercial needs.The company has more than 30 years of experience in designing, manufacturing and installing renewable energy products.  Today, it is pioneering the industry locally.Solaris Energy products have been on the local markets for a number of years, being sold by commercial entities such as National Hardware and Gafoors. These two companies offer the company’s branded renewable energy solution solar water heaters.Solaris Energy is seeking to establish its local headquarters through which consumers can access a direct service and a wider range of products from the energy solution network.It offers a range of products that include solar wind turbines, solar street lighting, Solaris Retrofit, solar lantern, and portable solar powered chargers.Communications and Marketing Consultant of Solaris Energy, Virginia Guerrero, said that the company decided to launch the local branch after careful consideration of the energy consumption levels in Guyana. Guerrero said that Solaris Energy has also taken into consideration the need to reduce energy cost for the normal man.Speaking specifically about the solar panel units, the marketing consultant said that it is most suitable for “Guyana since the country is closer to the equator.She explained that this allows accessibility to a lot more sunlight, a prime source of renewable energy.   According to Guerrero, the product “works well in isolated areas and can be very beneficial to the Amerindian/ Hinterland communities, since solar energy can meet those places, where electricity is not easily accessible.“Ms Guerrero said that company is hoping to offer the local populace, expert and comprehensive solar services. The solar powered chargers, she noted are suitable for charging all portable devices including iPods, I phones, and computers.Local sales representative Wynette De Costa-Turton noted that Solaris Energy is hoping to train a number of locals in the matters of renewable energy.She said that the plan is to set up a local office and warehouse to facilitate the company’s operations.Solaris Energy is an industry pioneer with more than 30 years of experience in designing, manufacturing and installing renewable energy products.Solaris Energy provides comprehensive solar services through a team of licensed insured and experienced engineers.The company started off in the Caribbean offering eco friendly solar powered products.  The company has since expanded to various parts of the region including Turks and Caicos, Grenada, Antigua, Jamaica, North America, Africa, Asia and Europe. The company’s regional headquarters is in Trinidad.

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