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visited about 500 ports in more than 60 countries









Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2017-5-14 05:08:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A member of the Guyana Coast Guard, Sub Lieutenant Carlos Travis Moore, yesterday embarked on the flagship of the Argentine Navy, Frigate “ARA Libertad”. This occurred in Rio de Janeiro when the vessel docked.Sub Lieutenant Moore will disembark in November in the port of Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a prior stop being made in Montevideo, Uruguay.On board of the Frigate “ARA Libertad”, Sub Lieutenant Moore will have the opportunity to interact with the young Argentine officers graduating from the Naval Academy, performing academic activities such as classes, conferences, exhibitions of ports; professional activities as guards; protocol and cultural activities, and getting acquainted with historical sites in each of the ports visited. He also will participate in restricted waters navigation, such as those performed at the entrance to ports, navigation through canals, gulfs and other waters involving tight spaces to maneuver. The Argentine frigate Libertad had recently visited Guyana.According to Wikipedia, this frigate is the ninth Argentine Navy vessel to bear the name Libertad. She has a total length of 103.75 m and a displacement of 3,765 metric tonnes: these figures place ARA Libertad as the world’s sixth longest tall ship and the third heaviest in displacement. Her complement is 357, including 24 officers, 187 crewmen and 150 naval cadets, among them an ever increasing number of invited officers from friendly nations’ armed forces, personnel from the Argentine Army, Air Force and Coast Guard, students, journalists and distinguished people from different areas and disciplines, both local and foreign.This vessel serves as a school vessel in the Argentine Navy. One of the largest and fastest tall ships in the world, holder of several speed records, she was designed and built in the 1950s by the Río Santiago Shipyard, Ensenada, Argentina. It is powered by sail.Her maiden voyage was in 1961, and she continues to be a training ship with yearly instruction trips for the graduating naval cadets as well as a traveling goodwill ambassador, having covered more than 800,000 nautical miles (1,500,000 km) across all seas, visited about 500 ports in more than 60 countries, and trained more than 11,000 navy graduates.It was rehabilitated in 2004.

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