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It still seems hard to believe that some NFL team cannot get something out of Terrelle Pryor,Goedkope Nike Air Force 1 Dames, either as a receiver or as a quarterback.     But after workouts with the Seahawks and Patriots,Cheap Adidas Zx Flux trainers Blue, he still remains on the open market. According to NFL Media's Rand Getlin,Hombre/Mujer Adidas Yeezy Boost 350 Espa?a Turtle Dove Zapatos turtle/blugra/cBlancas, that could change Monday.    Every game,Adidas Superstar 2 Femme Blanc Et Noir, all season    Pryor is working out for the San Francisco 49ers as a receiver, but as Getlin noted,Nike Blazer Low Hombre Baratas, his experience as a quarterback should not be overlooked. The 49ers are desperate for life on offense and, outside of being a serviceable backup to Colin Kaepernick, Pryor might contribute a spark.    Kaepernick completed 13 passes in a loss to the Packers on Sunday, but none of his receivers had more than 54 yards. With a scattershot offensive line,Superstar Blanche Femme, there is little anyone can do. The thinking on Pryor,Adidas ZX 700 Cheap, outside of an emergency contingency plan,Nike Huarache Espa?a, might be that he can open the field up a little more. Finding playmakers in free agency is easier than finding offensive line help.    In other workout news...    The Colts are bringing Ahmad Bradshaw in for a visit Monday,Nike Air Max Command, per NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport. The 29-year-old was a well-liked and well-respected cog in Indianapolis' offense last year and is one of the fiercest pass blockers in the NFL. Bradshaw fractured his fibula in November last year and also incurred a one-game suspension for violating the league's policy on substances of abuse.    The visit likely will be a medical checkup of sorts, but he'll no doubt get a serious look. He forged a relationship with Andrew Luck and isn't afraid to stick his body on the line to protect him.

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