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…hopes to complete investigation by next week– Crime Chief The Guyana Police Force (GPF) is hoping to complete the investigation into social activist, CourtneyCrime Chief,LeGarrette Blount Patriots Jersey,Wendell BlanhumCrum-Ewing’s killing as early as next week,Jared Cook Packers Jersey, according to Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum.The bullet riddled body of the activist was found on the roadway at Diamond New Scheme, East Bank Demerara (EBD) on March 10, 2015.  Five months later, 37-year-old Regan Rodrigues, known as “Grey Boy” was charged with the murder.Having received further information, the police arrested four persons last week. The four were alleged to have played a bigger part in the activist’s death.Those arrested were Liaison Officer at the Office of the President (OP) under the PPP government, Kwame McCoy; former OP staff,Jerome Bettis Steelers Jersey, Jason Abdulla; self confessed hitman, Sean Hinds and Okenny Fraser.They were subsequently released after being charged with another incident. They have to report to the police regularly.On Thursday,Dave Robinson Packers Jersey, the Crime Chief explained that a file was prepared and sent to the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) for advice on whether charges should be instituted against the four.“Having perused those statements in that file, the DPP would have advised that we conduct further investigation so we are hoping to complete that investigation as early as possible before we return that file to the DPP,” Blanhum pointed out.Gunned down: Courtney Crum-EwingKaieteur News was informed that investigators further questioned the suspects last Wednesday.According to the Crime Chief,Patrick Chung Patriots Jersey, the arrest of the four suspects was based on some new developments.“Because of the complex nature of that investigation, time did not permit us to complete it. Nevertheless, the individuals were released on their own recognizance and have been reporting to the police to assist us with our investigation.”Crum-Ewing, the ex-Guyana Defence Force (GDF) officer,DeAngelo Williams Steelers Jersey, known for his one-man protests,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey, was shot dead while urging residents to vote against the then ruling party,Logan Ryan Patriots Jersey, the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) at the General election held last May.The 40-year-old man was shot about five times when one of four men came out of a vehicle and fired shots at him.Courtney Crum-Ewing started protesting and attracted media attention in 2014 after an explosive phone conversation between a Kaieteur News reporter and former Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, surfaced.The phone call, in which Nandlall was heard warning the reporter to get out of Kaieteur News, because of a possible attack, prompted Crum-Ewing to start several days of protests in front of the Carmichael Street office of the Attorney General.Crum–Ewing had said that his protests were because Nandlall’s actioThree of the four suspects.ns were shameful.“I have three daughters, a mother, a sister and many female relatives that I care about… so I feel strongly about this issue,Drew Bledsoe Patriots Jersey,” the man said.He was later reportedly charged with breaching the peace after he used the washroom belonging to the offices of the Attorney General.

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