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NBA Authentic Jerseys when she sent her two daughters









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發表於 2017-6-17 21:17:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– in attempt to gain custody of grandchildrenA woman from the East Bank of Demerara has accused her former mother-in law of trumping up a child molestation charge against her 14-year-old, mentally handicapped brother.She alleged that the former mother-in law hatched the plot in an attempt to gain custody of her two grand-daughters.A source from the Ministry of Human Services confirmed that the matter was investigated by the Child Protection Agency and a medical examination cleared the woman’s brother.The woman said that her troubles began last February 19,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, when she sent her two daughters, aged four and two, to stay for the weekend at their grandmother. She explained that her 14-year-old brother,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, who is mentally handicapped,NFL Jerseys Cheap, also lives at the grandmother’s home.According to her,Throwback Jerseys, later that day, she received a call from her ex-husband who alleged that her 14-year-old brother had ‘touched’ his four-year-old sister. The woman said she subsequently received a call from someone from the Human Services Ministry regarding the allegation.The officials informed the woman that the children would have to remain with their grandmother while the claims were being investigated.But the mother alleged that it was only after she demanded that the alleged victim be medically examined that her daughter was taken to a private physician.According to her, this examination was conducted some five days after the allegation was made.She claimed that the physician observed scratches on the child’s privates.He reportedly concluded that the scratches appeared to be fresh and were made several days after the sex abuse allegation.The child’s mother alleged that during a confrontation at the Ministry of Human Services, her four-year-old daughter alleged,NFL Jerseys China Online, in her grandmother’s presence, that the grandmother had told her to say that the brother had touched her privates.The woman said that the children were then returned to her. But the irate mother said she is upset that the Ministry of Human Services did not seek to have her former mother-in-law prosecuted.Responding to this allegation,NFL Jerseys From China, the Human Services Ministry source told Kaieteur News that an official had informed the woman that she could take legal action against the children’s maternal grandmother.

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