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A mason and his under aged girlfriend have been granted their pre-trial liberty after appearing at the Providence Magistrates’ Court where they were jointly charged with break and enter and larceny.Kevin Licorish,Cris Carter Vikings Throwback Jersey, a 19-year-old Mason of Grove,Johnny Pesky Red Sox Throwback Jersey, East Bank Demerara and his teenage girlfriend, appeared before Magistrate Leron Daly yesterday.It is alleged that on Thursday May 9 at Herstelling, East Bank Demerara they broke into the dwelling place of Pamela Giddings and stole seven bottles of liquor,Dave Robinson Packers Throwback Jersey, US$20 and $64,Bobby Doerr Red Sox Throwback Jersey,000 in local currency.To the charge both the accused pleaded not guilty.The court was told by Police Prosecutor Shellon Daniels that on the day in question, Giddings,Andre Reed Bills Throwback Jersey, who lives in the upper flat of a two-storey wooden and concrete building, secured her home and left for Georgetown to conduct business.Sometime later upon her return she was greeted with the news of her house being broken into by neighbours. When the woman arrived at her home she noticed a large crowd in her yard. The police were called in and it was found that the persons removed several louvres from a window,Brett Favre Vikings Throwback Jersey, entered the building and removed the items.Acting on information received,Tom Waddle Bears Throwback Jersey, Licorish and the number two accused were arrested and charged.They duo was each placed on $75,000 bail and ordered to return to court on June 4.Also at the Providence Magistrates’ Court a woman was charged with obtaining money by false pretence.Forty-five-year-old Mislene King of Friendship, East Bank Demerara, is accused of collecting $150,000 from Mohan Dalchand between  December 2011 and January 2012 while pretending that she was in a position to sell motorcycle CE 7717.The woman who told the court that she was unemployed,Larry Bird Celtics Throwback Jersey, pleaded not guilty.The Prosecution is contending that King’s brother-in-law had left the country and left his motorcycle in her care. The court was informed that King’s sister subsequently left the country too leaving the motorcycle.It is also alleged that after being introduced to Dalchand, the accused told him she had a motorcycle to sell. During the period mentioned the woman is accused of collecting the money in two parts. The virtual complainant was also issued with an agreement of sale.When the owner of the motorcycle returned to Guyana and enquired about his bike he was told that it was stolen. A report was made and an investigation was launched. Subsequent to the report Dalchand was arrested with the motorcycle. Immediately he showed the document he got when he purchased the bike.The accused was arrested and charged. She was placed on $100,Derrick Thomas Chiefs Throwback Jersey,000 bail and will return to court on May 28.

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