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Cheap Jerseys Free which in the end also affect a regular water flow.Singh said









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‘I don’t know where we are heading with this’ – Karan SinghChief Executive Officer of the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI),Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Karan Singh, has said that Guyanese continue to predominantly waste water, despite the pleas by GWI for persons to conserve.The CEO says that he is utterly frustrated with the situation which, he says, seems to have no ending, despite the efforts by GWI.Singh said that he visited West Coast Demerara on Saturday, where he saw the wanton wastage of water,Brad Richards Red Wings Jersey, as a number of persons were seen washing their vehicles with treated water from GWI.“People say there is shortage of water in Guyana? There is no shortage of water when you see the reckless wastage of water around the country,Artemi Panarin Jersey,” Singh noted.The CEO explained that GWI only produces water for domestic use, and not for agricultural activities and for the washing of vehicles.“People have no regard for treated water; they do not use it for the purpose that it is intended,” Singh said.He noted that persons need to start respecting the water given to them, taking into consideration that there is a dire need for the substance in some areas.“Although we are pleading with people to conserve water, they are not heeding… so I don’t know where we are heading with this,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey,” the CEO explained.Singh said that if persons want to use the treated water for purposes other than domestic use, then they should construct their own wells and produce their water.He pointed out that Banks DIH and DDL each have their own well. Persons who are opening lemonade factories should take example and do likewise.According to the CEO, the water company is producing water to satisfy approximately three times the population of Guyana,NFL Jerseys China Online, and still it is not enough for the Guyanese people.Meanwhile, as it relates to the water situation in the Berbice area, which is as a result of constant power outages by the Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL), Singh noted that the situation is now more stable.He said that there is no report so far which indicates that a crisis looms in any of the communities.However, he did point out that if the power outages return, GWI would be more than prepared to deal with the situation.Residents on the West Coast of Demerara are also suffering from power outages, which in the end also affect a regular water flow.Singh said,NFL Jerseys Cheap, however, that these power outages on the West Coast of Demerara are intermittent and are not as serious as the situation in Regions Five and Six.But if the situation is to get worse, the CEO said, there are only two West Coast Demerara locations that are powered by generators.He explained that there are more than 130 GWI power stations across the country and that it is impossible for the water company to source each of these locations with generators.  (Fareeza Haniff).

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