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The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) on Tuesday examined several challenges the business community encounters with Customs and Trade Administration when the body held a fund-raising business luncheon at Le Meridien Pegasus Hotel.GCCI President, Chandradat Chintamani said that the intention of the function was to create awareness among the business community about what the Customs and Trade Administration will be doing over the next 12 months to address some of the challenges it faces.Some of the challenges highlighted were delays in entry, bribery and corruption, clearing Value Added Tax (VAT) free items without getting a letter from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), the number of days it takes to clear a container, Customs brokerage training and Total Revenue Integrated Processing Systems (TRIPS).One of the main issues addressed was the issue of corruption.“I wish we can eliminate corruption…but at the end of the day we can significantly reduce (it). That, I think, will be a win-win situation for all of us,” Chintamani said.Also addressing the concerns of the business community was Commissioner of Customs and Trade Administration,Throwback Jerseys, Col (ret’d) Chabilall Ramsarup.Conceding that corruption is afoot in the system, Ramsarup urged members of the business community to take the problems they encounter with Customs officials to him so that they can be dealt with.According to Col Ramsarup,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, people choose not to divulge information to him about whom they encounter problems with, due to fear of victimization and harassment.This, Ramsarup contended, is promoting corruption. He gave his assurances that when dealing with him,China Jerseys Cheap, information will be treated with utmost confidentiality.“We want to get rid of this corruption within Customs and Trade and generally,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, the Guyana Revenue Authority… I have Commissioner General’s 100 per cent support,” Col Ramsarup said.He added that if someone is victimised by Customs officers, this too can and will be investigated once reported.“We are rated as one of the most corrupt countries as it regards to trade and administration.”However, he added that corruption is not only done by Customs. Somebody has to give an enticement to the Custom officers and once this process starts it then comes down to the highest bidder.Col Ramsarup appealed to the business community to stop offering bribes to Customs officers.CHALLENGESOutside of the issue of corruption, Col Ramsarup cited several other challenges faced. According to him,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, one of the biggest challenges is the Total Revenue Integrated Processing Systems (TRIPS) implementation.He added that they have had their problems with the implementation of TRIPS but over the past six weeks things have been getting a little smoother since people are now understanding how to handle the system.Other challenges include under invoicing,Fernando Rodney Jersey, smuggling and counterfeiting.Col Ramsarup also said that the GRA is in the process of being restructured. He added that very shortly some departments will not be as they were before.“All the entry processing departments in Customs and Trade, Internal Revenue (IR), VAT and excise will be coming under one umbrella.”ADDRESSING CHALLENGESRamsarup also said that there would be a focus on intelligence.Another area would be enforcement, which is very important to Customs operation. GRA is losing billions of dollars annually since merchandise comes into the country without paying the requisite duty. “Our enforcement section is going to be beefed up,” he asserted.He added that they are going to be strengthening Lethem since the Takatu Bridge will be opened by mid-December and they expect a lot of trade to roll over that bridge.“We are going to be enhancing Charity because there is a lot of illicit trade between the Venezuelans and Guyana that comes through the Pomeroon River.”He also said that they are putting up new operations at Parika. “We recognize that between Georgetown and Charity there is a lot of distance, and a lot of illegal activities go on in the Essequibo River as well as in Region Three.“So we are going to set up another boat house as well as Customs operation  at Parika.”Col Ramsarup said that they will be establishing a facility at the Berbice Bridge itself. “We have a facility at New Amsterdam but that is mainly to service the ferry. Now we are putting down a facility on the bridge itself.”POLICIESRamsarup noted that recently the GRA had a find of 11.75 kilos of cocaine held up in Jamaica and last week they had over 300 pounds of cocaine in a shipment of rice emanating out of Guyana.“This does not do well for the country…it does not do well for trade.”

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