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Cheap Jerseys From China ask Courts and Singer









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發表於 2017-7-19 23:58:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Is only a guilty conscience does mek a chore try fuh paint heself a rosy face. Dem boys seh that everybody does advertise. Advertising is fuh business,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, ask Courts and Singer,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, Digicel and GT&T,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Banks DIH and DDL. Some woman does advertise dem body and some man does hustle fuh advertise dem face.Dem Chinee wid dem thiefing contract try fuh save dem face when de people accuse dem of fraud. Dem run and tek out full page advertisement de newspapers.Everybody watching dem and dem kakishness suh dem run to get de ad to paint a rosy picture of dem dutty face.De next man who try fuh do that is not a Chinee. He is a Guyanese kantractor. He is a good friend of Babbie Jagdeo and Bharrat Ramroop. He tek out two full page ad fuh show how he contributing to Guyana. He guh to all dem paper. De Waterfalls paper refuse to tek it.This man paint a rosy picture of he face. Dem boys seh that he miss de makeup artist because he face look de same way if not more dutty. None body ain’t buy nutten wha he seh, not even Sattaur because he see de tax wha this man company pay.This is de same company wha collect hundreds of millions and yet a stelling can’t even accommodate a kakabelly fish much less de fishing boat. A matter of fact dem boys seh that de door fall overboard last night. Look out fuh de big news today.De Chinee and de Guyanese realize that dem in deep doo doo. Dem does get de biggest projects in this country. Dem use to control all de big kickbacks through Ali Baba and he 40 chores. Ali Baba gone and another Baba tek over but he still got de 40 chores behind him.Dem boys seh that is Ali Baba tell dem fuh put de ads in de paper fuh convince de new Baba how dem good and decent. But de new Baba know different. And he know that is Ali Baba tell dem fuh do that.He know de same Ali Baba gun tell  Babbie Jagdeo fuh print a whole newspaper wid ads talking nice things about he and Bharrat Ramroop and de 40 chores of their achievement throughout de tenure.But no ads,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, whether in de newspaper,Cheap Jerseys Free, radio,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, TV, internet or by flyers can remove de stench wha dem spread throughout de length and breadth of this country—in all de departments. That is wha dem boys seh.Talk half and advertise fuh de rest.

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