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Some 30 percent of traffic signals in and around Georgetown are powered primarily by Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) and the Public Works Ministry is currently conducting studies to have solar energy be the primary source in this regard.This was explained by Nigel Butts,Wholesale Jerseys, Electrical Engineer,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Public Works Ministry, during an interview with this publication yesterday.Butts noted that the Ministry has been successful in having 70 percent of traffic signals use solar energy as its secondary source of power.He explained that whenever there is a power outage the signals are powered via solar energy for about five to six hours.However,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, after the stored energy is exhausted the system would obviously shutdown.Butts said that the Ministry’s intention is to have solar energy as the primary source of power for the systems. There is a prototype at Church Street and Vlissengen Road which is functional.He noted that within the coming weeks the Ministry will be adjusting the first batch of six systems to have them powered by GPL and solar energy.According to Butts,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, of the 47 traffic systems installed,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, 45 are functional.The two that are not working are located at Cummings and Middle Streets and Robb and Camp Streets.He said that the operation of the system at Cummings and Middle Streets was obstructed owing to Cummings Street turning to a one-way.The Ministry had to adjust the system and it is expected to be operational soon. Meanwhile,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, vandals struck at the Robb and Camp Streets system.Butts noted that the flashing red or amber lights are not indications that the signals are not working.Instead,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, they are traffic warnings that should be observed.The Ministry has adjusted the systems to flash at off-peak hours to allow the free and safe flow of traffic.He noted that in some cases, while the traffic signal may be operational, the presence of a traffic rank controlling traffic is the discretion of the traffic department.He explained that during the peak hours at particular routes, the flow of traffic may be heavier and so a traffic rank may override the signal and direct the flow of traffic.But many road users find the presence of the traffic rank as the cause of the traffic build-ups and prefer to depend on the traffic system.For instance,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, at the junction of Diamond Housing Scheme this has been a source of concern.Meanwhile,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, some road users prefer when there is no traffic system and pointed to the last Christmas season when the traffic signals on the Avenue of the Republic were in flashing mode.It was emphasized that at the start of the season, before the lights were set to flash, it took about 30 minutes to travel from Robb Street to Brickdam. But, when the lights were flashing, it took approximately five minutes.

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