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發表於 2017-7-25 20:21:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The man accused of beating his lover with a hammer has promised to turn himselfEureka Garrawayover to police but only after his girlfriend, Eureka Garraway,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, is fit enough to be discharged from hospital.In a brief telephone interview with Kaieteur News yesterday,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, the man said that he would visit the police in the company of his attorney. He said that his reason for delaying his surrender is because he wants to ensure that the victim does not die.He declined to comment on the allegations that he inflicted the injuries on Garraway.The accuser is well known for dressing up in outrageous outfits, including baby’s diapers, at cricket matches.Eureka Garraway, 38,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, was found in a relative’s Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara residence, unconscious and bleeding profusely from head injuries last Wednesday. She had reportedly been slashed as well as beaten with a hammer.She is being treated at the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. A niece said that Garraway sustained cuts to her head which required more than 100 stitches. The brutal attack also reportedly left her with two broken fingers.The niece also claimed that Garraway’s attacker,Discount NFL Jerseys, contacted relatives by telephone and threatened to harm them.However the man said that he never threatened anyone. He said that he did call one family member but that was to enquire about the welfare of the victim.According to the niece, Garraway was visiting a sister-in-law at Non Pareil last Wednesday when her lover arrived. He reportedly remained on the verandah while Garraway and other relatives gathered in another section of the house “laughing and drinking together.”It is alleged that the sister-in-law and the others eventually went out, leaving Garraway and her lover at the residence. Kaieteur News was told that before departing,Cheap Jerseys China, the sister-in-law, who was aware of the suspect’s history of physical abuse, expressed concern about Garraway being left alone with the man.Garraway reportedly reassured that she would be “alright.” Again the suspect denied the report of being in the home where people were laughing and drinking.It is alleged that at around 15:00 hrs, neighbours heard screams emanating from the house where Garraway was staying.According to the niece, around 18:00 hrs Garraway’s brother received a phone call from the woman’s lover.  The suspect reportedly told the brother “I leave your sister in a pool of blood; go home (and check).”The brother relayed the information to his wife, who reportedly rushed home and discovered the unconscious and battered Garraway on a bed in the Non Pareil residence.The injured woman was rushed to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital.The niece alleged that the following day,Jerseys NFL China, the suspect contacted some of Garraway’s relatives and demanded to speak to her.She said that the matter was reported to the Vigilance Police Station. Kaieteur News was told that police have numerous reports,NFL Jerseys China, particularly at the Prashad Nagar Police Outpost,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, about physical abuse and threats that the suspect directed toward Garraway.The police would sometimes detain Garraway’s lover but he has never been charged, she said. The niece alleged that the suspect has a relative in the Force and the rank would intervene on the suspect’s behalf.Asked to explain the reason for the attack,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the man said that he flipped and that he now regrets every moment.

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