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發表於 2017-7-26 10:41:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Rabindra Rooplall Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs, since the payment is pure love. Her love is kindled by the Divine Flame. The ideal mother is God’s substitute on earth. A good mother is patient and self sacrificing; she sleeps not while her little one is awake, and she is worried when it is ill.If you look at the lives of some of the greatest men who ever lived, you will find that they owe their greatness,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, primarily to the care and nurture of their mother, especially in their formative years.Motherhood is a tough 24-hour job, no pay, no day off, sometimes it is unappreciated, but yet resignation is impossible. A mother is a woman who was created by God to bring love, joy,Discount NFL Jerseys, happiness and caring into his world.Of course, sad to say, there are mothers who have not played that role in the lives of their children as the poet rightly observed; “the warmest love – no other earthly love can be so warm and tender as the mother’s – yet as human beings who are prone to error,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, that love grows cold,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and some mothers relinquish that duty and that obligation, nay! that God-given privilege and responsibility of providing the affection and nurture for their offspring.We are not here to condemn any mother. Who are we to condemn? Only the great Creator knows why a mother acts in the way she does. Let God be the Judge. We are here to honour all mothers. Without them, we could not have been here. We owe them a duty for their labour and pain for bringing us into the world. If we serve them, they will bless us. There is no blessing like that of the mother.At this time also,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, it behooves us to remember our Divine Mothers. You who are Hindus in this gathering have Lakshmi Mata, goddess of light and prosperity,Cheap Jerseys Online, Sarswati, goddess of learning, Sita,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, for her love and devotion to Lord Rama, her consort; Christians have Mary, the mother of Jesus and Mother Teresa that great soul who has become mother for thousands of the underprivileged,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, homeless,Cheap Jerseys Online, sick and suffering in India and branches in other parts of the world. Muslims have Khadeja and Aisha, wives of the prophet Muhamad. You could add to this list; I have named but a few.Mothers are everything for us when we are small…our lives revolve around her. For everything that we need we call mother. To protect us from all perceivable dangers we want her around us. To take us out we hold her arms. To kiss away our wounds we run to her. And for a warm hug and love we look for her. She is the focal point of our lives, the greatest human being in the world or should we say divinity on earth.Now, I would like to wish all the mothers here Happy Mothers’ Day and ask God’s blessings on them so that they can continue their demanding role until the end. Also to those who are not biological mothers, but have played the role successfully and are even more deserving of our thanks and appreciation.

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