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發表於 2017-7-27 09:48:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Works Minister Robeson Benn yesterday warned that his Ministry would be doubling the size of its demolition workforce as it steps up a campaign to ease the problem of illegal squatting along government reserves.Stating that it is a question of public safety, Ministry of Public Works and Communication,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Benn also dispelled reports that the demolition of illegal structures is being done in a selective manner.The Minister stressed that along all declared public roads,Wholesale Jerseys, the Ministry is authorised by Cabinet to clear the government’s reserve. These reserves include both the road reserve and drainage areas. The Minister warned that persons along those reserves will have to stick to the areas for which they have transported titles or some form of agreement with the titled owner of that property.Acknowledging that there may be some concerns about the demolition crews selectively targeting some illegal structures, Benn noted that the ministry is working on the most immediate and obvious encroachments now.However,Custom Raptors Jersey, he pointed out that the demolition exercises are ongoing for almost a year now. Squatting has been given scant attention for almost three decades because of the lack of Government resources and it poses a large problem for traffic safety, congestion and efficiency,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, the Minister noted.Several NDCs from across the country have documented the problems with pictures,Nike NFL Jerseys China, dates of notices served and other facts,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, he disclosed. As a result, the Ministry would double its demolition workforce.“We have been trying to deal with the most obvious and unsafe areas with the problems and this is where it may appear there is some amount of selectivity.”According to Benn, there were many situations where areas were cleared but the illegal squatters returned as soon as they demolition crew left. “We have the question of resources and the question of prioritising the areas for obvious immediate dangers.”According to Benn,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Government did not overnight decide to demolish illegal squatters.Many of the illegal squatters would have been served notices. Government has earmarked some areas to build about six markets. The squatters have been notified.“But we still have to do our work. There are still some others areas like the airport. The shops along the airport are a disgraceful problem too.”Responding to questions regarding what point government would decide to move in and demolish,Cheap Jerseys Online, Minister Benn was clear. The Roads Act does not require the Ministry to carry anybody to court to remove any structures or vehicles on a declared public road or reserves.“If you leave a truck on a road way, for instance,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the police should be the first ones to come and say clear the carriageway- maybe you are blocking the turn.”While there may be cases where the Ministry’s inspectors can come along and issue warnings, there may not be any need for this as the ministry has the authority to clear the reserves and roadways of all illegal structures.

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