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Despite the fact that fewer persons have lost their lives as a result of trafficThe wreck from last Monday’s accident which claimed the life of one person and left five critically injured.accidents, The Ministry of Home Affairs is still not satisfied that enough care and attention are paid by road users.The Ministry has taken note of the recent statistics that were released by the Guyana Police Force which have indicated that 31 persons lost their lives to Traffic Accidents as at May 9, 2012 as against 40 for a similar period in 2011.Since the release of the figures, two more persons have lost their lives on the roads, including a man who is so far unidentified.The Ministry of Home Affairs, which oversees the Guyana Police Force and other traffic agencies,NFL Jerseys Supply, said that while it can take some comfort from the declining statistics on traffic deaths for a specific period,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, “we are saddened by the reports of lives lost on our roads through reckless driving by some drivers and the careless use of our roads by some motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians.”The Ministry is reminding all road users that safety is a shared responsibility and as such the Ministry of Home Affairs encourages all categories of road users to exercise utmost caution when using the roads. “While the Government of Guyana has been working assiduously to enhance the quality of our roads; improve traffic legislation and management; provide traffic education to persons of all ages,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, it is imperative that road users adopt safer road use practices to avoid road accidents.”The Ministry said that traffic accidents invariably result in the loss of lives, serious injuries and damage to property. They also have a financial impact on victims,Cheap Jerseys From China, their relatives and the national economy.As such the Ministry is urging all categories of road users to support the Guyana Police Force in its efforts to reduce Traffic Accidents.And the Guyana National Road Safety Council has noted that pedestrians and cyclists are also to be blamed for their carefree and sloppy attitudes when using the roadways.“These behaviours should be discontinued immediately to put an end to some of these ‘Needless Road Crashes and Deaths…The GNRSC is pleading to all road users and responsible Guyanese to join the campaign to help stop the road carnages by correcting the careless ways we use our roads and adhering to the road safety and traffic laws to make our streets and roads safer.”It was further noted by GRSC that recently,Wholesale Jerseys Group, there was an increase in the number of serious road accidents in and around the city, in outlying areas and in other regions,Wholesale China Jerseys, mainly due to speeding, recklessness and driving under the influence (DUI), which reflects total neglect to our traffic laws.According to GRSC, major accidents resulted in loss of lives and serious disability to persons involved. In addition, all accidents impacted financially on the economy and have distressed all parties involved; emotionally and physically.Also, serious accidents have significantly disturbed the social welfare of all the affected families.The organisation further underscored that habitual blunders by many vehicular drivers and motor cyclist are speeding,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, driving under the influence (DUI),Cheap Soccer Jerseys, total neglect for our traffic laws and total disregard for the five Cs; Care, Courtesy,Cheap Jerseys Online, Consideration, Caution and Common Sense when using the roads.

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