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發表於 2017-7-30 02:27:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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More than 100,000 persons have benefited from the housing drive of Central Housing andPresident Donald Ramotar, Housing Minister,Juan Mata Jersey, Irfaan Ali,Willian Jersey, and other officials with some of the persons who were allocated middle income houselots this week for the Zeeburg/De Willem, WCD.Planning Authority (CH&PA) in Region Three.According to CH&PA,Axel Tuanzebe Jersey, in its latest drive, more than 1000 persons became direct beneficiaries with the disbursement of 300 middle income house lots in Zeeburg/De Willem,Jay Chapman Toronto Shirts, Region Three.President Donald Ramotar was on hand to congratulate the families gathered at the Uitvlugt Community Centre Ground for the Ministry of Housing’s first allocation exercise in 2015.“I think that (home ownership) is indeed one of the most important things that contribute to a good quality of life. At one time in the history of this country, those that were fortunate to own homes got it when we were about 50 years old. What is important to note is that this government has been trying its best to use its social sector policy to improve quality in every area and to redistribute income in this era.”Alluding to the levels of Government subsidy, he noted that for every house lot a person receives from the government, that person gets $100,000 in subsidy which is a part of the redistribution process,Tiago Ilori Liverpool Jersey, and which ensures that ordinary persons get a fair share of the country’s revenue and prosperity.“We see it as an investment because life has shown us that when we have strong feelings of security among our people it raises productivity. We are investing heavily in our people because the most important factor for development is not how much gold we have and how much diamonds and bauxite, the most important factor for development is you, the people of this country,” the Head of State declared.He also pointed to the investments and resulting strides made in the health and education sectors, citing them as ‘necessary investments” in Guyana’s future, most notably the Specialty Hospital, the benefits of which will filter to the masses.“The Ministry is engaging in another loan to acquire more lands so that they can try to satisfy completely the needs of our people in housing.  In the continuation of this programme we are looking forward to your individual and collective support and understanding so that we can ensure that the upward trajectory that out country is on and the higher quality of life our people are enjoying will not,Blank Brazil Jersey, now or ever, be reversed.”Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali, explained that more than $17B has been invested from 2000, in the development of housing in Region Three which has directly benefitted over 100,000 persons. The demand for housing in Region three has also slumped by 66%- from 6000 in 2009 to 2000 to date.“This gives an idea of the spread of investment by the Government. The road ahead requires work and vision and can only be successful through commitment, policy, and understanding and through results that were tested. Government has shown that is has what it takes to bring housing solutions to Guyana.”According to the Housing Minister, $213M was invested in the development of Zeeburg/De Willem, where 60% of infrastructure has been completed. The average cost per lot amounts to $1.3M from which the Government is subsidizing $591,000 per lot.Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CH&PA, Myrna Pitt,Park Joo-Ho Dortmund Shirts, reminded that home ownership is one of the most important decisions one can make. She reaffirmed the authority’s commitment to ensuring that it becomes easier for the average citizen to “live the Guyanese dream”.

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