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發表於 2017-8-2 04:51:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In an attempt to market the region and to share the wealth and opportunities of the county,Josh Williams Toronto Jersey, the Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association (BCCDA) will be launching the first edition of an Annual Magazine – Exploring Berbice – “A Heaven for Commerce” next month.The magazine will showcase the region’s development, prospects and opportunities and will serve as a guide for potential investors. It will be the first of such business magazines in Berbice and will be made available at strategic offices including Go-Invest, Public Offices,Andre Schurrle Dortmund Jersey, Banks, Insurance Companies, Hotel Lounges, the International Airport etc, so that visitors and investors can access free information on opportunities within the Region.BCCDA President Imran SaccoorAccording to president of the Berbice Chamber of Commerce and Development Association (BCCDA) Imran Saccoor,Michael Carrick Jersey, he envisioned the county as a bright prospect and is very optimistic that it is well poised to be the region of choice when it comes to future development. Therefore, in an early drive to heighten further awareness of Berbice, the magazine will aid in this cause and will provide valuable information about the region’s rich heritage and economic prospects. It will be an annual feature and cover the fiscal period September to October.Meanwhile, the Chamber in a release has dubbed the Neal and Massy Group of Companies’ recently concluded first-ever Security Exposition in Berbice, a new and successful initiative which demonstrates the visionary leadership of that entity in providing security service to the Guyanese market.“Security today is everyone’s business and the Exposition served as a reminder that Corporate Business like Neal and Massy Services is keen on protecting a nation’s welfare when it comes to Security.”The release also stated that as the nation prepares to deal with security challenges in the future,Jordan Rossiter Liverpool Jersey, whether it be domestic or industrial protection,Casemiro Jersey, Neal and Massy Group of Companies can proudly say that they stand ready to surmount those challenges.The BCCDA is urging domestic and commercial consumers to take all opportunities in ensuring that their properties and assets are properly protected.Chamber President Saccoor noted “As we approach the high cash seasons,Asmir Begovic Jersey, we cannot overlook the need for an adequate security system, and what was displayed at the exposition can immensely help consumers in protecting the interest”.Surveillance cameras,Robin van Persie Jersey, fire extinguishers, track device monitoring and armoured Cash In Transit (CIT) are all services offered by the entity and consumers are urged to capitalise on the benefits of such an exposition.The Chamber also hailed the announcement made by the company that a scholarship will be granted to a student from Berbice to study at the University of Guyana in any chosen discipline. Mr. Saccoor noted that NM Services has again responded by leading the way as a corporate entity in ensuring that an educated nation is built and also acknowledged the Group’s Management Trainee and Apprenticeship Programmes as a means on giving back to the community in which it serves. Saccoor cited the expo as a positive step to protecting the nation.

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