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發表於 2017-8-4 09:09:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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– police searching for Taylor’s weapon The police have managed to make two arrests in connection with last Thursday’s Plaisance, East Coast Demerara bloodbath, which left two persons dead, and two others nursing gunshot wounds about the body.Troy Collymore, 35, and Anthony Taylor, 24, were shot dead when bandits stormed into the Datt’s Drug Store located near the Plaisance line top.The police in a press release had stated that Taylor who resided at Sussex Street was a member of the gang and was accidentally slain by his own associates.Also injured are Noel Phillips and Lloyd Harris, who are being treated at the GPHC and Woodlands Hospital respectively.Police sources yesterday told Kaieteur News that two suspects who both hail from Plaisance were taken into custody following a raid on a house in the community yesterday morning.Kaieteur News was told that officers suspect that one of the men who is said to be in his mid twenties’ may have the gun which Taylor is suspected to have used during the robbery.When contacted yesterday,NFL Jerseys From China, relatives of the two young men are denying that the men had anything to do with the robbery/murder at Plaisance.However, sources within the force are adamant that the men are in some way connected to the attack.The police now believe that wanted bandit Tyrone “Cobra” Rowe is the suspected mastermind behind Thursday night’s shooting that claimed the two lives.This newspaper was reliably informed that three gunmen, believed to include Taylor and Rowe, went to the drugstore which is owned by Chandrika Datt, to rob him.It is believed that the gang sent someone to make a purchase to distract their victim.It is also believed that Collymore, who was in the drugstore,Cheap Jerseys From China, was shot after he stood in front of Datt, while one the gunmen accidentally killed Taylor.The bandits were able to relieved Datt of an estimated $329,000 in jewellery and eight laptop computers.They also escaped with $600,000 worth in jewellery and an undisclosed sum of cash from Noel Phillips.Shots were fired indiscriminately by the bandits as they tried to make good their escape.A woman who was in proximity to the drug store said she heard about 15 gunshots.Police said that they recovered several .45 spent shells at the scene.Police had recently issued a $1M reward for 19-year-old Rowe, who is wanted for questioning in relation to murder and armed robberies.Taylor was incarcerated for two years for wounding, and was also detained last month when police searched his home for Rowe.*********************Le Repentir still a bugbear – Councillor– much needed assistance still requiredThe support of private individuals and business entities is still being sought to help address the state of the Le Repentir Cemetery, which according to Councillor,Throwback Jerseys, Ranwell Jordan has become nothing less than a bugbear.Jordan, who is Chairman of the Committee set up just over a year ago to oversee the restoration of the cemetery, disclosed during an interview with this newspaper that earnest efforts are still being made to restore the facility. However, he noted that without relevant support the plans proposed by the Committee may be long in coming.Aside from works that were undertaken by the prisoners from the Georgetown Prisons to clear some sections of the cemetery of overgrowth, no further tangible works have been engaged. In fact, the efforts of the prisoners, according to Jordan,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, were diverted to other sections of the city, effectively putting on hold the rehabilitation works. “We have not been able to continue with the work because the prisoners were asked to do other drainage works that were felt to be important as well. We are hoping that the prisoners will be able to get back on stream with the works they had begun in the cemetery.”At the moment, the committee has been able to solicit financial support to the tune of about $100,China Jerseys Cheap,000, which is being kept in a bank account specifically intended to fund the cemetery restoration.  However, much more funds will be required, Jordan noted. “We definitely need to develop our plans if the cemetery restoration will materialise. Although we have less than the desired amount in the bank, we will somehow have to improve on what we have.”According to Jordan, it is expected that by the end of the next committee meeting that sufficient information will become available on how much needed support could be acquired.“We had a meeting a few weeks ago and we are to hold another in order to take certain decisions to get some works done. We have not been able to supply information that was requested from persons overseas who are interested in giving some assistance in clearing sections of the cemetery. I am hoping that by our next meeting, which should be in another week, we would be able to supply information allowing us to receive some positive assistance.”A section of the overgrown Le Repentir CemeteryIn addition, Jordan noted that committee members themselves, comprising of Councillors and private citizens, will be able to individually raise funds and solicit the support of donors to give assistance in the form of tools and other equipment that would aid the clearing of the cemetery. “It (the cemetery) has become a bugbear. Citizens have continued to express their disgust at the fact that there is a cemetery in the centre of Georgetown in the state of the Le Repentir Cemetery. We are hoping to get the support of citizens, Government and other interested organisations to clear the cemetery to an acceptable state that would be satisfactory.”It was just last October that the Municipal Medical Officer of Health, Dr Bizuayehu Jeffrey had expressed concerns about the cemetery, noting that, “we are lucky that we have not had a medical outbreak here.” The Medical Officer was at the time tasked with making a presentation to accentuate her medical perspective during a meeting held at the Municipal Chambers. The meeting saw the attendance of City Councillors, Municipal Officers and concerned residents, all of whom are currently a part of the Cemetery Committee.In her presentation,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, Dr Jeffrey categorically underlined that the cemetery is a health hazard. According to her, it is a known fact that when the rainy season comes, the burial site is known to flood and remains in that state for a period, a situation which could undoubtedly cause an outbreak. “Overseas, we notice they keep burial grounds on high lands because water can drain easily unlike the case in Guyana…” And this is important, Dr Jeffrey noted, as the human body after death releases a lot of chemicals, bacteria and viruses which enter the soil. She disclosed that once the cemetery becomes inundated, the flooded water will become contaminated and therefore is classified as a public health threat. “People are in the habit of going into the cemetery without shoes, children go there and they might have cuts on their skin through which the contaminated water can affect them.”As such, Dr Jeffrey expressed optimism that the work proposed by the Committee and the City Engineer’s Department in particular will be long term and serve to reform the cemetery to an acceptable state.Efforts to clear overgrowth in some sections of the cemetery commenced last year April through the Municipality’s collaboration with the Prison Services, an alliance which entailed the Municipality paying modest remuneration to prisoners who physically undertook the tedious task.

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