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發表於 2017-8-14 14:19:37 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The trial of murder accused Mark Assing called “Jesse”, is in progress at the Georgetown Supreme Court beforeDeceased Abiola EadieJustice Navindra Singh and a mixed twelve-member jury.Assing was indicted for the murder of Abiola Eadie.  Eadie was shot in her face during a fowl cock row at Mc Doom, East Bank Demerara, on June 20, 2012. Her son Martin Barker, also sustained gunshot wounds to his chest. The woman succumbed to her injuries 12 days after the incident at the Intensive Care Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).Yesterday three witnesses were called to give sworn evidence in the matter. State Prosecutor, Judith Gildharie Mursalin called witnesses Ayesha George, mother of the deceased Pamela Eadie, as well as Lennox Jones to the stand.George told the court that she witnessed the shooting which claimed the life of her neighbour, Abiola Eadie. She recalled that on June 20, 2012 she was sitting at a window of her apartment, when she saw the accused “Jesse” involved in a heated confrontation with Eadie who lived in the lower flat of her building.The woman said that Jesse was quarrelling loudly on the street accusing one of Eadie’s sons (Martin) of “blinding his game cock in one eye. “  The woman said that Eadie called out to Martin four times before he came outside the house.  It was then, the witness told the court that Jesse’s wife came out on to the street and began quarrelling as well; the couple was armed with knives.   George said, that she went downstairs and attempted to make peace between the warring parties but the accused then pulled out a gun from his waist and pointed it at Martin.The witness said that Eadie quickly jumped in front of the pistol in an attempt to defend her son from their angry neighbour and she also went and stood between them but Jesse shoved her aside.  George said that she heard a gunshot and saw her neighbour collapse to the ground.She said that she heard two shots fired, at which time she lost consciousness.  George said that when she came to, sheMurder Accused Mark Assing called Jesserealized that both mother and son were seriously injured.Pamela Eadie the victim’s mother told the court that she was inside the house assisting her daughter with some cooking when she heard the commotion. Eadie said that she ventured outside and saw her daughter was lying on the ground badly injured. The woman recalled that her grandson was seriously injured as well.Jones, the dead woman’s father became emotional as he recounted his portion of evidence.He told the court that he visited his daughter while she was in the Intensive Care at the hospital. Jones also testified to witnessing the post mortem examination conducted on his daughter’s remains.  The man told the court that he was on a trip overseas at the time of the incident.At the beginning of the trial State Prosecutor, Mursalin, told the court that on July 4, 2012 Government Pathologist,Dawuane Smoot Youth Jersey, Dr. Nehaul Singh carried out the autopsy and came to the conclusion that the victim had died as a result of the gunshot injuries she sustained to her  head. The Prosecutor then called Police officer, Samuel Headley to the stand. Headley testified to witnessing the removal of a metal object which appeared to be a warhead, from the body of the victim. The officer was cross examined by Defence Attorney, Peter Hugh. The matter is continuing.

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