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Wholesale China Jerseys 31









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發表於 2017-8-24 18:02:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Fifteen passengers,Wholesale Jerseys, including two children, were injured at around 19:30 hrs yesterday after the driver of a drag-racing minibus crashed on the East Bank Public road near Agricola.Rescuers around the mangled bus.Among the injured are Sharline Bourne, four, Cynelle Moore, 10, Kevin, Althea Bourne, 31, Kadeen Bourne,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, 3, Lily Park, 30,Wholesale China Jerseys, Asif Juman, 21, Shawn Bourne, 31, Lorson De Younge,Cheap Jerseys, 25, De Santos, Trinell De Younge, 24, Rocky Moore,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, 44, Mikisha Moore, 1, Kenwin Isaacs, 18, Dania Abrams, 15, Zahid Ali, 25, and Montel Lavencia, 18.The accident occurred in the vicinity of the Alpha Hotel at Agricola Public Road.According to James Valenzuela, who was driving behind minibus BRR 1955, the driver of that vehicle was travelling at “rocket speed” as he was racing with another car, which he overtook on the Providence Public Road.“I notice he since at Providence just speeding coming down, and then suddenly a white 212 speed past he and like it provoke he so he went after the car”, Valenzuela said.The man added that the two vehicles were racing “neck and neck” on the road when the car struck the bus resulting in the bus toppling several times.“When I drive up and I see people and set a lil children pon the road… so me and some other men tek out the people and rush dem to the hospital”, the eyewitness said.Valenzuela added that after the crash, another minibus, PJJ 6588, which was also traveling at a tremendous speed, slammed into the back of the bus; sending it into a nearby wall with persons still trapped inside.“This bus done bruk up and all of a sudden a next one wuh couldn’t control he speed come and smash heself into it and yuh done know what happen with them people in deh”,Cheap Jerseys From China, the man said.Another eyewitness who resides just a few houses away from the crash site recalled hearing the sound of “things breaking” before she heard the screams of the injured.“When I look through the window the first thing that caught me eye was a small baby in the gutter so I shout to some a dem boy and tell them look the child and when they pull him out he been cover in blood all he head like he get hit”, the woman said.She said that a woman who appeared to be the mother of the child was also lying on the ground in an unconscious state.She added that it took the effort of over a dozen men to take out the persons from the mangled minibus.Meanwhile, at Airy Hall Mahaicony, five people were injured when two cars crashed while negotiating a turn.Among the injured are Sanjay Backreedy, 13, Royston Silos, 34, and Bibi Seegobin, 55.

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