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Zena HenryDeputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green, who is acting Mayor in the absence of Chief Citizen Hamilton Green, has requested in a correspondence to the Auditor General, Deodat Sharma, an investigation into the alleged misappropriation of Council funds by recently appointed Town Clerk, Carol Sooba.The Council is accusing the “government-imposed” Town Clerk of illegally using half a million dollars to pay for legal services pertaining to court proceedings brought against the Local Government Ministry by Mr. Royston King, one of the applicants who applied, but was sidelined for the executive post of City Town Clerk.Town Clerk Carol SoobaDuring a press briefing at City Hall yesterday, the Deputy Mayor related that actions of the Town Clerk amounts to the misappropriation of Council funds for several reasons, especially since the Town Clerk was not given authorization by the Council to distribute the funds.She added that the court matter involving Mr. King who is also the Council’s Public Relations Officer, has nothing to do with the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) since King,Keith Yandle Rangers Jersey, in his capacity, “not as PRO,Diego Reyes Jersey, but as an applicant for the post of Town Clerk,” would have brought court proceedings against the Local Government Minister and not against the Town Clerk or the Council.Chase-Green dispatched the letter to the Local Government Ministry, Opposition Leader and other public figures.The January 8, 2014, payment voucher #A114 was made payable to the named attorney in the amount of $500,000 as legal fees, “for professional services rendered in relation with the matter of Application by Royston King Action #103-M,” a note on the voucher stated.According to documentation, Chase Green said, the voucher was prepared and signed off by Finance Chairman Junior Garrett and Councilor Kamla Devi Ross. Chase-Green contends, however, that once the M&CC did not authorize any transaction, “no councilor can authorize payments without the fiat of the Council, even if that councilor were the Chairman of the Finance Committee.”Chase- Green reiterated that Royston King’s matter does not involve the Town Clerk or any officer of the City of Georgetown.Acting Mayor,NGolo Kante Jersey,Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase- Green“The court did not serve an order on Ms Sooba to appear in the matter,Warren Moon Titans Jersey, therefore she is not a party to the proceedings; she has no locus standi in the matter.”Also, the named attorney is not part of the complement of attorneys used by the M&CC and the Town Clerk cannot approve legal representatives for the City Council since that is the job of the Council itself. Chase-Green informed that the Council never discussed the payment of the funds at any of the Committee or Council level and the Town Clerk therefore, did not follow the standard procedure established by the Municipality.When Kaieteur News visited Ms Sooba at her office,Walace Brazil Jersey, she said she was unavailable for comment.Assistant Chairman of the Council’s Finance Committee, Mr. Oscar Clarke, told Kaieteur News that he was unaware that money was being paid for legal services although he and the Finance Chairman are the persons authorized to sign off spending for the Council.He said that another member of the Finance Committee would sign off on Council spending if the Chairman or assistant chairman is ill or absent, and, ‘I (Clarke) was none of the above.” He added that signing off on Council spending occurs only if Council approves, before stating that although Sooba could be directly affected by the court’s ruling she is not a participant in the matter.Clarke said, also, that it was irresponsible of the Town Clerk since the Council is yet to approve its budget and in the meantime, the Council can only use one twelfth of the sum that was used in January of last year.Chase-Green has pointed out also that the Town Clerk would have paid the attorney with money from the rates paid by property- owners,Marcos Rojo Manchester Jersey, some of which are pensioners, “to represent her personal interest- to secure her fortune in the Council…”This, Chase- Greene continued, comes while the Town Clerk has “arbitrarily and illegally deducted monies from the meager stipends of city Councilors” and while Georgetown continues to suffer under the cash-strapped City Hall.Sooba’s appointment to Town Clerk is under threat as the Local Government Minister who placed her in that position isMayor Hamilton Greendemanded by the High Court to show cause as to why it should not quash his decision. Some four persons applied late last year for the post of Town Clerk and Sooba was identified as the least qualified. She however won the post while,Joe Gilliam Steelers Jersey, those “better qualified” were rejected.

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