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發表於 2017-9-10 09:53:12 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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“Gail Teixeira– $800,000 a month; Odinga Lumumba– $660,000 a month; you got some of the relatives of Ramotar– one of his sons– $3M a month! Reepu Daman Persaud, who could hardly walk these days– he also collecting a salary– $500,000 I understand—as a spiritual adviser!”Khemraj Ramjattan who made these disclosures, added that those persons have gardeners, enjoy duty- free concessions and “some of them don’t work. “All these old time PPP guys doing nothing but collecting half a million dollars and more every month and then they come and tell you that they don’t have salary increases for you, that GuySuCo doing bad.”Ramjattan, the Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), said that the new dispensation in Parliament is bringing out all of the corruption in government, including NICIL.  He said that the AFC is bringing out this corruption to show that better can be done for Guyanese.In addressing a crowd at Rosignol Village, West Berbice Thursday evening, the politician said that a number of demands the party made in the 2012 National Budget were not made. “Although we have lots of monies in this country– plenty money is being siphoned off into irregular devices like NICIL– companies that are not supposed to have the monies and then they come and criticise us for making cuts in the budget!”He said that there has not been an honest declaration of what all the incomes are in Guyana . “This government has siphoned off more than $50B in NICIL!”The Member of Parliament said that the money would be used to build certain projects they alone [the government] will enjoy like the Marriot Hotel”. He alluded to what Dr. Cheddi Jagan said that you “can’t start Mercedes projects with a jackass economy”.“We do not need fancy hotels which Jagdeo and his boys are going to go to,” he said.Ramjattan noted that the government wants to siphon the money for purposes of enjoying it themselves. He said that the people must appreciate that NICIL is not an organisation that is very transparent.“We have to ask so much questions to see where the money is going and we are not getting answers– billions and billions of dollars are being cut in the budget not by the AFC or APNU but by this government and they are preventing us from utilising the monies for increases that you so desire”.He said that even APNU lost faith in the discussions with the government. “After a while (the government) promised APNU the whole world without the AFC; and then APNU had to come back and then we started to make these rational cuts”.Ramjattan said that the people are told that the cuts are irrational, “but I stand here as Chairman of the AFC and a Parliamentarian for over 25 years– indeed, everything we did in Parliament is justified!”The AFC Leader said when all of the monies are calculated, they amount to over $100M annually in salaries. “What we did,NFL Jerseys Cheap, because of the fact that we cannot in all good conscience continue this thing, we cutting back”.Speaking about the cuts on NCN, Ramjattan said that the government must have a news agency, “but the money we cut from NCN was based on the fact, that NCN, through advertisements, make $500M a year.”He said that private TV stations do not make so much advertisement money. “We decided we will not give them because that TV station can earn its own monies and it must also– another conditionality– it has to be more balanced!”In the coming days and weeks, he said that the AFC will be carrying on a relentless battle to get all the monies “so we can make life for you Guyanese far happier and far better”.

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