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發表於 2017-9-11 11:13:54 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green has come out swinging against ‘corruption at City Hall’ statements from former Attorney General Anil Nandlall in defence of the Municipality.Deputy Mayor, Patricia Chase GreenShe said his tactics are a smoke screen to hide the reality of the general public’s needs for answers of accountability for the $500M of $1 billion that was allotted by the previous government for the supposed clean up my country project of 2014.“We have no fear of an audit for our current project so the Auditor General can come at anytime and check our books. We have standards. Clearly the former government did not have or they would have recognised that the people they employed to clean the city as contractors were into substandard work.”Deputy Mayor Chase Green said that the City Council has no responsibility to be accountable to Mr. Nandlall just because he wants answers.“As far as I am aware, there was an allocation of $500m to clean up the city but former Minister Norman Whittaker said that the City Council was not going to spend a cent and we never collected a cent from them for that project.”She said that while there is much talk about the current  cleanup initiative, the Council is saddled with daily complaints from contractors about nonpayment for the works done in the cemetery as part of that contract even as the over growth has once again made it into a forest.The Deputy Mayor also took a swipe at former President Bharrat Jagdeo for comments against the Mayor and City Council. She said that Jagdeo is suddenly obsessed with cleaning.“We are not obsessed as he is about being within the walls of power. Instead, we are simply now getting the chance to do that which we are mandated to do void of hurdles and in some cases total blockage of funds in years gone by.”Deputy Mayor Green referenced former Minister of Local Government Kellawan Lall during the PPP’s reign stating that he wished that there could have been an outbreak when the city was often being compared to a garbage city.She said,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, “We now have an outbreak but it is one of cleanliness and pride which was lost as a result of efforts by the previous Government to try to get the reigns of the capital city by any means necessary even if it was at the expense of the citizenry.”The Deputy Mayor said the M & CC invites all to come on board to help with the cleaning of the nation’s capital “even Mr. Nandlall. We are all inclusive of the people,China Jerseys Wholesale, for the people by the people and this move is to have the people in the communities gainfully employed while re-building community spirit and cleaning the communities.”Clearing the air on financing the Deputy Mayor said that the current ‘clean up the community project’ is being funded from monies promised by the 2015 budget to clean up Georgetown and the country.”She also questioned the whereabouts of the tools that were supposedly bought for the previous project for which the City Council was sidelined.“We demand an audit of the $500M from last year then he (Nandlall) can talk after the findings and stop politicking for Local Government Elections.”She said that out of the budgeted $300 million for this year, the 50 community’s projects only used $75m in phase one and there are more to come.“With all the heavy rainfall following just 50 percent of works completed there is hardly any complaint of flooding from the business community. There is no recorded major flooding in any of the daily papers and neither were there reports of loss by businesses. They know all that should have been done now that they are out of Government.”“Looking at the Stabroek Market tarmac,Cheap Jerseys, the main city canals and even the cross streets,” she said,Wholesale Jerseys China, “One can see what has happened in six months versus 23 years.”“All I will state is cleanliness is next to godliness and the people are now much happier. And we don’t have any security other than the Constabulary Department.”Deputy Mayor Green said too that previous Town Clerks had no total independence from Government interventions and interference as they were always taking directives from the previous Local Government Ministers. The previous Ministers were Kellawan Lall,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Ganga Persaud,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Norman Whittaker and Clinton Collymore.“They (former Town Clerks) obviously did not want to go against the powers that were even if it meant the deterioration of the capital city and illness for the citizenry. But alas we are free and Georgetown is on the move in the right direction.” (Mondale Smith)

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