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發表於 2016-12-7 23:03:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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FREYA, the Syracuse,Matt Cullen Jersey, New York-based band fronted by Karl Buechner (EARTH CRISIS, PATH OF RESISTANCE), will release its new album,Alyssa Naeher Jersey, "Paragon Of The Crucible",Cheap NBA Jerseys, on November 5 by Holy Mountain Music in America and Deadlight Entertaiment internationally. The cover artwork for the CD was conceived by guitarist Brendon Flynn and can be seen below.A song from "Paragon Of The Crucible", entitled "Colossus",Wholesale Jerseys USA, can be streamed using the SoundCloud widget below.Flynn told Terrorizer magazine about the track: "The song 'Colossus' is a gateway to the story of the album; a mythology created by people in the future to explain the cataclysmic end of the civilization that preceded theirs."Another song from the CD, "Serpentine",Avery Bradley Celtics Jersey, features a guest solo by Paul Waggoner of BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME. Commented Paul: "I was truly honored to be asked to be a part of this record, and the 'Serpentine' track specifically. I have great respect for the FREYA guys and their musicianship,Jim Kelly Bills Jersey, and it was a real privilege to be able to add my little touch with a guitar solo. Ultimately, this song is a balance of heavy,Texas Rangers Derek Holland Jersey, aggressive riffing and emotive, driving melodies. So it was my goal to encapsulate the overall vibe of tune by creating a part that added some contrast,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, but one that was still complementary to the music and vocals." FREYA has been crushing it out for more than ten years. They released three full-length albums and a split with Victory Records. The follow-up to 2010's "All Hail The End" was recorded with Jason "Jocko" Randall at Moresound Studio in Syracuse New York. Delving deep and giving a unique re-imagining to classic thrash and death metal,cheap nfl jerseys, FREYA builds an epic post-apocalyptic wasteland where enormous beasts have destroyed the Earth and left man to create myths to explain the scarred world around them. On top of the destructive riffing, melodic and more progressive textures have been added to create an intense and vibrant setting.FREYA is:Karl Buechner (vocals)Brendon Flynn (guitar)Thom Turner (guitar)Joseph Murphy (drums)Brett Walts (bass)

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