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Wholesale NFL Jerseys 30 hrs on Wednesday









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發表於 2017-9-14 05:10:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– accomplice was killed by businessmanOne of the two suspects captured on Wednesday during a high-speed chase with police ranks after grabbing $2.5M from an accountant at Hotel Tower and shooting a security guard, has been identified as 22-year-old Curtis Vasconcellos.Vasconcellos was shot to the neck and right arm while his accomplice, 18-year-old Michael Grant was killed when they attempted to rob a Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD)’s businessman,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, Neezam Khan on June 6, 2015.He was granted bail by the High Court where he is committed to stand trial for attempted murder.Reports are that the businessman and his colleagues were outside a snackette for which Khan is the proprietor, when two gunmen rode up on a motorcycle and relieved him of his jewellery after shooting him to the arm.While escaping with the loot,Soccer Jerseys China, the businessman opened fire on them,Cheap Jerseys, killing Michael Grant and wounding Vasconcellos.The 22-year-old was remanded to prison for the attempted murder of Khan. He was granted bail in the High Court a few months ago.Around 12:30 hrs on Wednesday, Vasconcellos and an accomplice were arrested after robbing an accountant in the Tower Hotel compound.The police said that the accountant had recently returned from making a substantial withdrawal from a City bank and was about to disembark his vehicle in front of the hotel, when he was approached by one of the suspects.The suspect discharged a round in the vehicle, shattering the window screen. The bullet grazed security guard,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Balmick Persaud, who was sitting in the vehicle beside the accountant.According to information received,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the suspect snatched the bag containing the cash and escaped on a waiting motorcycle.Acting on information, a mobile patrol pursued the suspects,Cheap Jerseys Free Shpping, who tried to elude the lawmen and ended up in the Sussex Street Canal in the vicinity of North East La penitence.The Motorcycle and a significant amount of cash were recovered. One of the suspects admitted to dropping the firearm in the canal but it has not been recovered as yet.

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