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發表於 2017-9-16 07:36:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Child Care Protection Agency is advocating that everyone has a responsibility to protect children as they celebrate Child Abuse Prevention Day tomorrow.According to Director of the entity, Ann Green, the Agency is launching a Prevention of Child Abuse Hotline (227-0979) tomorrow,Wholesale Jerseys China, to which anyone who suspects someone of abusing or harming a child may place a call.   In addition,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, the organisation wants each adult to take a solemn oath to protect children from perpetrators of child abuse while being involved,NFL Jerseys Outlet, responsible, and conscious moreover to not be a part of child abuse.The Agency needs the public to understand that society has to see children in a different light, where they are recognised as little people with human and constitutional rights that are supposed to be treated with love and respect.Four relevant Bills have been passed through parliament this year.The Director opined that the worst type of abuse is sexual abuse where inappropriate sexual behaviour is meted out to children, who in turn experience a negative transition to adulthood which eventually affects society. This often causes females to become promiscuous while some may reject sexuality, consequently unleashing unstable persons upon society because of unresolved emotional issues merged with anger which leads persons to become perpetrators of abuse and violent crimes.  The Agency is trained to give counseling to children, however,Cheap Football Jerseys, there is much need for a child psychologist because the majority of children have serious problems that vary from emotional to mental and psychological issues that affect them after being abused.   The level of awareness must be made where communities need to be engaged in the protection of children and being aware of the places that can assist such as; the Child Care Protection Agency, Probation and Social Services, Help and Shelter,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, Every Child Guyana,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Red Cross and the School Welfare Department.The Agency’s future plans are to work in collaboration with the Red Cross to take a programme called (Be Safe) which entails empowering children to protect themselves,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, and to know that it is wrong to have adults touching or playing with their private parts.Plans are also set to campaign for a Foster Parents Care Programme where children can be placed in foster care and develop themselves in a family environment. Collaboration with the Ministry of Education to locate school dropouts to assist in their development is also planned.(Rabindra Rooplall)

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