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發表於 2017-9-20 09:30:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Local promoter Stan Gouveia was yesterday slapped with three additional embezzlement charges after he made a court appearance before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson at the Georgetown Magistrates Court.He was released on $160,000 bail.It was alleged that between December 1, 2008 and December 31, 2008, while being employed as a clerk of service, he embezzled $10,000 from Khemson Lee, of the Commodity Store.A second charge states that the accused on January 11, last,Cheap Jerseys From China, while being employed as a clerk, embezzled $24,000 from Mark Collins of the Commodity Store.A third charge further states that the accused between October 1 to October 31, 2008 while being entrusted with 101 cases of Polar Ice valued at $404,000, fraudulently converted the items for his own use.He pleaded not guilty to all three charges and was represented by attorney at law Patrice Henry.According to his attorney, Gouveia, 35, who resides at 416 Cane View Avenue, South Ruimveldt, works as a promoter and is well known across Guyana.Henry further stated that his client has strong ties within Guyana and poses no flight risk.The lawyer told the court that it should not be guided by the multiplicity of the charges, further asking for bail in a reasonable sum.Henry stated that the defendant is on bail for similar offences and has been attending court.Police prosecutor Seetaram did not object to bail but told the court that the defendant has pervious matters in the court regarding the Commodity Store.The prosecutor further stated that the defendant has indicated to the court that he is willing to repay the money he stole.Attorney at law Patrice Henry interjected and told the court that it is indeed his client’s intention to repay the company, but they are asking the company to come up with a “global figure”, as was supposed to have been fed in a “piece meal” manner.However, the prosecutor stated that they are willing for the matter to come to an end but the police need to do further investigations since more persons are coming forward.The prosecutor added that when these persons come forward their stories will need to be verified and then the charges would be instituted.The lawyer then asked that the court take a lengthy adjournment date.The accused is expected to make a next court appearance on April 30.

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