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Cheap Jerseys Mr Paul Lyken









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發表於 2017-9-22 12:47:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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….parents say building is dark and hotPoor design of a newly- constructed building to house students of a growing population at the New Amsterdam Senior Secondary School (N/A Multilateral) has resulted in the students not being able to occupy the structure to date.Millions of dollars have been spent to design and build the structure. However, the blame is not being laid at the feet of the contractor but at the persons who designed the building. This most recent incident has forced the administration to pay more attention to design flaws.The building which was supposed to be habitable for classes.The designs in Region Six are managed by the Regional Engineer, Mr Paul Lyken,Cheap Jerseys From China, who could not be contacted.The building was completed in September but to date, students have refused to occupy the two- storey concrete structure. Parents and teachers at the school have deemed the building unfit,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, unsafe and not conducive for learning.They stated that it had no proper lighting or ventilation and was hot and dark. There were small vents around the building but these hardly allowed fresh air or light into the structure during class sessions.The Region Six Administration has said that the design problem has forced the installation of lights and fans around the building.Regional Chairman David Armogan is hoping that the students would occupy the structure in January, the new school term and regrets that it could not have served them prior,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Authentic, “but some of these things do happen”.Armogan stated. “I think we got some level of problems with our designs and I have spoken to our engineers. We gotta look back at some of our designs and maybe we got to hire experts or something when we are doing these designs, to make sure that some of the designs are what is in line with our conditions—the local conditions”.The N/A Multilateral building, many opined, should have taken into consideration the direction of the wind. Larger, more efficient vents should have been made around the building instead of small block vents.But this is not the only case in the region whereby there are design flaws that are costing taxpayers and the government more money.Armogan mentioned,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, too,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, a nursery school currently being built at Albion has the toilet facilities too near to the Head teacher’s office. “That’s a design flaw! And those kinds of things should not happen and as a result of that,NFL Jerseys Outlet, I have been asking that we pay particular attention to the design when we are doing these buildings.”Meanwhile, Kaieteur News has learnt that the N/A Multilateral School student population is continuing to suffer.

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