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Cheap NFL Jerseys China owner of the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation









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發表於 2017-9-23 06:57:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, owner of the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (New GPC), has filed a libel suit against the Publisher of Kaieteur News,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, claiming that he was defamed in a “Dem boys seh” column.Dr Ranjisinghi RamroopIn his writ he said that he is the owner of Atlantic Pharmaceuticals, Queens Atlantic Investment Inc.,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, New GPC and several companies. He wants the court to block Kaieteur News from further publishing a column, Dem boys seh, that appeared in the newspaper on Monday, June 11,jerseys from china, 2012.Ramroop claims that he was the one referred to in the June 11, 2012 ‘Dem boys seh”. In his affidavit of support, Ramroop stated that the words in the article referred to him and that the words were false, malicious and defamatory.He said that the article was written to mean that he is a thief, that he is not a medical practitioner, and that he holds an honorary PhD and not a medical degree. He said that the article suggests that he committed the offence of simple larceny and other types of larceny.He said that he relies on his reputation, goodwill and integrity in business dealing both in Guyana and internationally for various transactions and in his professional qualifications.Dr Ramroop said that the article accused him of a criminal offence and disparaged him in relation to his profession and his business.In the documents filed by his attorney Ronald G. Burch-Smith, Dr Ramroop said that he is a businessman since 1991.Ramroop said he has a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degrees from the Indira Gandhi Medical College at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. He said he also has a Bachelor of Science degree from Indore University,nfl jerseys china, Madhya Pradesh, India.He said he is a registered Medical Practitioner,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, fully up to date with all his Continuing Medical Education obligations.He said he worked at the Georgetown Public Hospital, the Guyana Sugar Corporation and practiced privately from 1987 to 1999.He accuses Kaieteur News of referring to himself and former President Jagdeo as sharing a close personal relationship.Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop is claiming damages in excess of $100M.

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