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發表於 2017-9-26 00:34:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 69-year-old man who was employed as a Chief Mate on a ship for the past four years was killed in a freak accident which occurred onboard a sand-laden vessel Tuesday night. The dead man has been identified as Vibert Hamil Ferdinand, of 108 Laluni Street,Wholesale Jerseys, Queenstown.Dead: Vibert Hamil Ferdinand.The dead man’s wife,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, Doreen Ferdinand,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, said that she last spoke to her husband around 18:00 hours on Tuesday. The grieving woman told this publication that when she spoke to her husband he told her that the vessel was grounded. Mrs. Ferdinand said she pleaded with her husband to stay in his cabin and wait for things to get fixed.Reports are that the MV Fairland was in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge waiting for the scheduled opening when it grounded. This publication was told that while efforts were being made to salvage the sand-laden ship, Ferdinand was struck in the head with a plank after a crane boom fell.According to the police,China Jerseys Wholesale, the crew members were moving the crane from one side of the ship to another when the hydraulic line burst and caused the boom to fall.MV Fairland was leaving Guyana for Aruba. The incident occurred at around 20:30hours.However,Wholesale Jerseys From China, the woman said she received a telephone call around midnight,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and was informed of his sudden demise. Sitting in her living room the woman said she that was hopeful that her husband would return home from this trip like the many other trips he made over the years.“He left Monday and I started making plans for us to celebrate our 49th wedding anniversary next month and now I have to start planning a funeral,NFL Jerseys Outlet,” the man’s widow lamented.The man’s remains have since been taken to the Lyken Funeral Home as a post mortem examination is expected to be conducted soon.

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