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–  Rohee hints at money for informants By Dale Andrews  Despite the recent upsurge in criminal activity, especially murders, Commissioner of Police (ag) Leroy Brumell feels that there is no need to panic.“Don’t let us press the panic button,Supply NFL Jerseys,” he told a media conference yesterday.Police Commissioner (ag) Leroy BrumellThe Top Cop was responding to questions about the measures the Force is taking to deal with criminal activity which appears to be out of control.Police figures reveal that there have been 31 murders since the beginning of July last – seven within the last two weeks and five in the past six days. There have also been rumours of slayings,Cheap Jerseys Supply, bringing back memories of the crippling crime wave that began in 2002 and lasted for almost six years.The Police Commissioner admitted that the recent murders are a concern to his organization, a sentiment that was echoed by the Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, who hosted the media conference in his Ministry’s Boardroom.“We are working on all of these crimes; we know it is of concern to persons,” Brumell saidAnd while many will argue that the Guyana Police Force only moves into gear whenever there appears to be an upsurge in crime, the Commissioner explained that his organization is a proactive one.“We had discussions at the Central Intelligence Committee at Office of the President…We discussed among other things that we’re going robustly try to ferret out these persons. We’ve not gotten any indications that there are gangs, but we’re trying to get some more intelligence,Wholesale Authentic China Jerseys, and we are trying to ensure that we can satisfy the citizenry of this country,” the Acting Commissioner said.Minister Rohee told the media that his ministry is always concerned whenever there is crime, whether it’s a string of robberies or an individual act.“We’re not insensitive, we’re not numb to such eventualities,” he said.Rohee reminded the media that his responsibility is to ensure that adequate resources are provided through the budget to the entities that fall under his portfolio, and to establish policy that is reflective of Central Government’s thrust in fighting and detecting crime.Rohee stated that it is the police force which has to follow the policy to ensure that the peace and good order in society is maintained at all times,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and that the threats in whichever form it comes, is minimized.Apart from the resources, the minister outlined several strategies that the administration will be adopting to tackle the situation.“We intend to utilize more frequently, wiretapping facilities…because an intelligence-driven operation is what will be useful to the force. We intend to use more expansively, and make more resources available to informants to provide what we call ‘human intel’ to the law enforcement agencies. So apart from the technological interventions, there also the ‘human intel’ side that is required,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, because crime fighting now depends on intelligence, and that is the focus we intend to pursue over the next months,” the Minister stated.He added that it is his hope that the police reforms bring the requisite benefits or are translated into the requisite action.Rohee brushed aside those who he said are quick to criticize the force and his stewardship of the security sector.The opposition had passed a no confidence motion against him in parliament and has been refusing to cooperate with anything that has to do with his Ministry, including the passing of Bills tabled by him.Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee“For you to make a call like that, you have to have strong moral grounds…They have an old saying that people in glass house shouldn’t throw stones,” the Minister said.Rohee,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who was recently appointed General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party, believes that his new position will not affect his performance in the high profile Ministry.“I have a job to do; in fact I have two jobs to do. I have so arranged my life and I have so arranged my time to ensure that neither side is shortchanged, and that the health and vitality of the General Secretary and the Minister of Home Affairs remain intact,” he declared.He also dismissed suggestions that the police reforms are not making any sense or that they are not being productive.“Change is a process that takes time. This is not an event…and when you are talking about seeking to effect changes to a strategic plan of an institution such as the Guyana Police Force,Cheap Air Max Tn Shoes, because you are dealing with people, it takes patience and consistency,” Rohee stated.

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