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Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic Vincent Singh









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發表於 2017-9-30 04:42:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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It’s been a month since six people lost their lives in a boat collision in the Pomeroon River,Cheap Jerseys, and police officials hope that they will know this week whether charges will be laid against the captain of the Region Two vessel.Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell told Kaieteur News on Monday that a report is still with the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). He said that he understands that the DPP had sought clarification in some aspects of the case.However,China Jerseys Cheap, the Top Cop expressed the hope that the file will be handed over to police this week.Investigators from the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) have already recommended that the captain of the Region Two vessel be charged, but did not specify what the charges should be.A preliminary investigation found failure to render assistance to the victims as one of several breaches of maritime regulations that occurred during and after the incident. MARAD had advised,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, via a letter on December 20, 2012, that the Commander of ‘G’ Division begins instituting charges “in keeping with the requisite regulations relative to this incident.”The MARAD investigation revealed that the collision occurred after “one or both captains” failed to observe the international regulation for preventing collision at sea and the Guyana Shipping Act of 1998 Sect 225 (1).The probe also found that a number of breaches had occurred in the Collision Regulations. They included failing to maintain a proper lookout at all times; failing to proceed at a safe speed so as to take proper and effective action to avoid collision; failing to alter the vessel’s course to starboard and failing to render assistance to operator and passengers.However, MARAD officials have said that no charges will be laid against any of the passengers who were present when the mishap occurred.A MARAD source also confirmed that the Captain has been suspended from operating any vessel until the investigation is completed.The collision occurred in the vicinity of Siriki/Adam’s Creek in the Pomeroon River at around 17:30 hrs on December 18. All the victims were from the boat that was struck by the Regional Administration vessel.Those who died included boat captain Harrinarine Bhagwandin,China NFL Jerseys, 42; Velda Rodrigues, 50; Vincent Singh, 40; Shawn Anthony,China Jerseys, 14 – all of Adams Creek; along with 14-year-old Rajkumar Singh,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, and his 10-year-old sister Amrita Singh, of Charity Housing Scheme, Essequibo Coast.The lone survivor was 12-year-old Eli Orlando of Adams Creek.

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