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nfl jerseys wholesale for the very organized manner that things were done









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– identifies projects for execution using funds garneredInterim Management Committee Chairman Orrin Gordon was high in praise of several groups who were instrumental in making the Last Linden Town Week a success.Singled out for special commendations were the Linden Chamber of Commerce, the Linden Fund USA , the Poker Street group headed by Harold Hutson, the Rotaract Club of Linden, and the Live Wire Organisation.The Linden Chamber of Commerce was applauded for once again hosting a very successful Linden Expo, the Linden Fund USA for their contributions to Education, and to Senior Citizens, Live Wire for hosting the Miss Linden Town Week Pageant,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and the Rotaract Club for their grill day, walk race and camp fire.A new group from Amelia’s Ward, the “Bankers Trust”,Cheap NFL Jerseys, was also commended for a job well done in executing their first community day during the festivities.Gordon noted that the Linden Chamber did an exceptionally good job with the Linden Expo, and expressed optimism that the Expo would grow from strength to strength, with each passing Town Week.He said that he was really impressed with the Poker Street Group, this year, for the very organized manner that things were done,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, with specific areas being designated for particular activities.He noted that  over the past years, the Wismar Night was organized as the ordinary run-of-the-mill street fete.Gordon expressed the hope that other groups will take note and emulate this group. While expressing regrets that there was no “Big and Bold’ pageant this year Gordon commended Live Wire productions for hosting a successful Miss Linden Pageant, and for the prompt delivery of prizes to the winner and other participants.Gordon said that it was the first time in eight years that the Linden Town Week coincided with the Easter festivities, which meant that some persons left Linden for entertainment.There had been talk of plans to bring Beres Hammond to Linden during Town Week, Gordon emphasised that while he doesn’t have a problem with having foreign artistes, more focus should be on showcasing our own local talent, as Linden Town Week should be all about showcasing Linden.The IMC Chairman said that he is very happy that groups from the Diaspora make an annual ‘pilgrimage’ here every year, during town Week. This, he concedes provides them with the opportunity to identify ways in which they could give back to their communities in particular, and by extension Linden.The Linden Fund USA,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, one of the major Sponsors of Town Week over the years, is one of the more prominent groups from Linden, that makes the annual “pilgrimage”.Gordon indentified two other smaller groups, one from Silvertown, and the other from Christianburg,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, who visited during the celebrations and who have already identified projects for initiation.“The good thing is that they’re coming’, he added.In excess of $3.8 mil in revenues was collected from the Linden Town Week. An outstanding amount of $940,000 is still to be collected,nfl jerseys authentic china, according to Gordon. He pointed out that $3.4 million was expended to facilitate the yearly celebration.

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