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– regional study saysJamaica (Jamaica Observer)-A study on migration in Commonwealth countries has recommended that a greater portion of remittances be used for development purposes to help offset the loss to countries most negatively affected by migration.The report also called for international mechanisms to be established to help relocate persons who are forced to emigrate from their countries because of environmental phenomena.The second report of the Ramphal Commission on Migration and Development which was launched at the University of the West Indies, Mona,Cheap Air Max Shoes, on Wednesday, looked at problems of environmentally-induced migration and the effects of migration on small states and less developed countries.Acknowledging that remittances have done much to alleviate poverty and to educate families left behind in developing countries, Ramphal Commission chairman,Cheap Jerseys USA, Percival J. Patterson,cheap jerseys from china, said,Wholesale NBA Jerseys Authentic, “Remittances do not compensate for the loss of human and financial capital.”“We urge governments to create specific and trustworthy instruments, which can channel remittances into development projects,China Jerseys Wholesale, and to work together to reduce transmission costs rather than the adversarial relationship which is so often reflected in today’s world,” said Patterson, a former Prime Minister of Jamaica.Highlighting the so-called “brain drain” in which tertiary-trained individuals emigrate from developing to developed countries,Jerseys From China, Patterson said Guyana loses 300 teachers annually through emigration — the same number that it trains per year.World Bank 2011 statistics show that 85.1 per cent of its tertiary graduates emigrate per year, which in tied for second with Grenada behind Guyana with 89 per cent.Patterson also noted with the projected rise in sea levels and other expected changes in weather and climate, some residents of small island states may be forced to flee from the homelands.“Will the Seychelles exist in 2050? Will Montserrat?” he asked. “We cannot wait until the last moment and have these persons adrift at sea as stateless citizens.”The report will be studied by Caribbean Community member countries to formulate recommendations ahead of the next Commonwealth Heads of Government conference in Perth, Australia in October this year.

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