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Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping Nardeo Singh









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發表於 2017-10-2 02:00:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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With the United States reports pointing to the fact that some 14 Guyanese leave Guyana, daily, for that destination, coupled with the fact that while there, some of them preach about what needs to be done to make Guyana a better place without lifting a finger, it is uplifting when members of the Diaspora reach out to assist in their homeland.One such group is Zara,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and its US-based team. They have continued to play their part in the in the Technological development of Guyana.One Saturday last the team opened and handed over their fourth state of the art computer centre in three years.The benefactors and some of the studentsThe first was handed over in November 2007 with the opening of a 30 users networking centre,Jerseys China Wholesale, then in October of 2009, George Subraj, one of the three principals of Zara Luxury Apartment and Home donated the second centre at the SVN secondary school on the West coast of Guyana.His brother, Jay Sobhraj,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, headed his team to hand over the Zara Learning centre which comprises a 40 users computer centre – video audio centre, and a computerised bar coded Library. On Saturday last the team donated to the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana what was described as a “vision” and not just computers.Chief Technologist, of the team, Nardeo Singh,Authentic Jerseys From China, explained, “We are not donating just a computer centre and library…We are donating a vision of the future, you can easily place a value of the computers donated but the vision is priceless”.The team conducted a one-week computer workshop on how to build, troubleshoot and repair computers.Singh, who is a volunteer computer teacher in New York,Nike Men Air Max 97, holds college degrees in Computer science, Mathematics and Finance, is the computer instructor.He said that he was very impressed with the students’ participation, “They are eager to learn and even request I spend a month with them.”He called on the Education Minister, Sheik Baksh who was present at the opening to forge a partnership with the leaders of the management with the three organisations: the Cove and John Ashram, the SVN secondary school and the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana to kick of a two year Microsoft Certified System Engineering (MCSE) program.Singh insisted that Guyana needs to produce IT professionals to manage very large networks and data centres, “so why not utilise the existing centres to get the biggest bang for your buck?” He said that that there is a dire need for an IT Czar in Guyana, “someone with many years’ corporate IT experience and vision to drive the IT initiatives for the Guyana.”Plans are in train for the hosting of another two-week computer workshop on computer networking at the end of August.Sarwan Budhu another member of the donor team spoke about the importance of reading and that the library was a priority on their list. Minister of Labour, Manzoor Nadir who was also present at the function estimated about US$500,000 was invested in establishing the centres. He expressed his appreciation  to the donors.President of CIOG,Wholesale Jerseys Group, Mr. Al-Haj- Fazeel Ferouz, was very grateful for such a lavish donation and expressed his thank you on behalf of his organisation.

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