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Cheap Jerseys Store PARADISE VILLAGE









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發表於 2017-10-4 18:41:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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PARADISE VILLAGE, WEST COAST OF BERBICE – Twelve-year old Clinton Ward Jnr. of Lot 2 Paradise Village on the West Coast of Berbice needs help if he is expected to beat his brain tumor.This is according to the child’s father,China Jerseys Wholesale, who is also Clinton Ward. He said the diagnosis was made on March 20th at the Woodlands Hospital in Georgetown after a CT scan was done.Clinton Ward Jnr. and his father Clinton Ward The child, who celebrated his birth anniversary on March 5th, is a Grade Seven student at the President’s College. His last day at school was March 8th when he complained of severe bouts of headache.When the pains continued,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, his parents took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital on March 16th and he was immediately admitted. Three days later he was discharged but his health continued to deteriorate. He began experiencing blurred vision in both eyes.“He just got blind. He is blind in the right now and he is hardly seeing in the left eye. We have to lead him and the pains continue. The problem is that he has a tumor on the brain and it is growing. It has fluid inside of it and it affects his sinus as well. He is walking and talking but cannot function like the average child his age. He still has his memory and knows his school work and so.”The family took the child to do a CT scan of the brain on March 20th.“They gave him Panadol and Gravol, nothing else and the pains continued. So that was why we decided to do the CT scan on our own. They were to do it at the hospital but they did not, so we went on our own and did it.”The results revealed that the features are “consistent with an extra axial mass arising in the sellar. These findings were then taken back to the Georgetown Hospital the same day. He was admitted for the second time,nfl jerseys china, spent five days and was discharged.“After he came out of hospital he attended only one clinic on April 8th. The doctor gave us an appointment for April 13th to see a neurologist from Jamaica. When that Jamaican doctor viewed the CT scan he requested an MRI.”A diagnostic imaging report done at the Global Imaging Service Inc. on April 14th, 2010 states,Authentic China Jerseys, inter alia, “There are well defined lobulated, cystic, septated,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, sellar and suprasellar mass lesion of 3.8×2.9×2.8 centimeters with peripheral enhancement. There is solid enhancing soft tissue mass in the inferior portion of the mass…The mass is compressing the third ventricle with dilatation of bilateral lateral ventricles.”Ward said that the Jamaican doctor departed Guyana and as such, did not see the results of the MRI at that time but it was left with the local doctor.“A few days later we received a letter from another Guyanese doctor, referring my son for treatment overseas since we do not have that kind of treatment here in Guyana.”Ward said that the hospital also gave him a document for the Ministry of Health seeking financial aid and the family is awaiting word from the Ministry.“At no time did they tell us how long this brain tumor was there. They told us it is located in a very technical place and that is all we know. We are a poor family. My son was doing well at President’s College. We do not know what else to do and we are asking any medical practitioner to guide us and help us do what we must to save our son’s life. The doctors told us that his condition is life threatening and we do not know what else to do.”The child described his situation as painful.“I am getting pains in the neck, shoulders,Wholesale Jerseys China, in the back and straight on the left hand since the day I had double vision. Most of the time I would be worried and confused and I want to know what is going on. I pray six times a day.”The Ward family can be contacted on 232-3448 and 671-0547 and a bank account 7313174 was also set up at the Republic Bank.

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